Say "Hello" thread


I’m Marco Melorio, a 22 years old Computer Science student and GNOME user for about 2 years. Some may already know me as the author of Telegrand, an open source GTK4 + libadwaita Telegram client.

I’ve recently been selected in the GSoC 2022 program for working on Fractal, the GNOME Matrix client, with the support of my mentor Julian Sparber. The project is about adding a media history viewer inside the room info dialog. For more information you can check the project page here.

I’m really excited to take part of this journey and I look forward continuing to improve the GNOME ecosystem even more in the future.


Hello Everyone,
I’m Aman Kumar, a 22-year-old Computer Science student and a Linux and GNOME user for the past three years. I’ve always loved the GNOME project as a user and have been contributing to the project over the past year.
I’ve been selected as a Google Summer of Code 2022 contributor for the Health project. I’ll be working on the improvement of synchronization with several 3rd party services such as Google Fit, Apple Health, etc. @Cogitri will be mentoring me throughout the summer program.
Looking forward to an amazing summer ahead and an opportunity to contribute to the different GNOME projects in the future.


Namaste, everyone! :smiley:

I’m Aryan Kaushik, I’m 19 years old, and I love to code and work on open source projects. I have been using GNOME for approx 2.5 years I guess. In the start I used to hate it :stuck_out_tongue: but then I understood it’s just bad customization done by a distro (or maybe it didn’t align with my taste :man_shrugging: ). I tried stock GNOME and instantly turned all my computers to use GNOME as my DE.
Now I develop an extension for GNOME called “Logo Menu” and I also used to maintain 2 GTK themes.

This year I decided to participate in GSoC’22 and found my ideal project - “Pitivi: port UI to GTK4” and got selected :partying_face: .
I can’t wait to complete it with help of my awesome mentors @aleb, @yatinmaan, and the whole community to give back to the community. :slight_smile:


Hey, I am Anupam. I have been around GNOME since I started using Linux based operating systems with Ubuntu, and it gives me immense pleasure to contribute back.
My job will involve adding Chromecast support to GNOME Network Displays in the GSoC’22 program with the help of two incredibly friendly and helpful mentors, Benjamin (@bberg) and Claudio (@cwunder).


Hello everyone! :grin:

I’m Utkarsh Gandhi, a 20-year-old second-year engineering student. I have been using GNOME for a year now, and it has been a delightful experience. Being selected for GSoC '22 allows me to give back to this wonderful community!

I’ll be working on the Revamp “New Document” submenu in Nautilus project alongside @ignapk, and we will be mentored by @antoniof throughout the project. I’m excited to work on this project and become a part of this community! :tada:

Looking forward to a fantastic experience this summer :star_struck:


Hello Everybody, let’s rock

To my profile picture: Einstein is a cult for me.
I haven’t been using Linux that long and I always have questions that I want to get to the point.
Sometimes I need help exactly there, when is which information needed and how prepared.
Because I have problem X and need the solution 4.

I always try to follow the feedback rules, because I think that’s just as good as netiquette.
Sorry if I still have a lot to learn as a rookie, but that’s why I’m here with you.

I look forward to many good contacts with you.

My Preferences do not contain a topic Self-Introduce would not be an idea or directly after the first login “Take the first self introduche post” chance

Friendly greetings to all

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Hello, there!

I’m Dave Patrick Caberto, an 18-year-old Filipino, a BS Electronics Engineering student, and a GNOME Desktop user for almost three years. Some may know me as SeaDve and the developer of Mousai, a song recognizer application, and Kooha, a screen recorder.

This year, I am accepted as a GSoC contributor to work on the Rust and GTK 4 rewrite of Bustle, an application used to visualize DBus traffic data, under the guidance and support of my mentors, Bilal Elmoussaoui and Maximiliano.

I am excited to be a part of this experience, and I am looking forward to learning from and meeting more of the community!


Hello everyone! :smile:

I’m Tanmay Patil, a 20 year-old Computer Science student. I have been using GNOME Desktop for almost 1.5 years now and It has been a wonderful experience.

I’ve been accepted as GSoC contributor to work on adding Acrostic support for GNOME crosswords and will be mentored by @jrb throughout the project. I’m excited to become a part of this community and looking forward to give back to the community.

Looking forward to an amazing summer! :tada:


Hello Everyone,
I’m Gotam Gorabh, a Computer Science and Engineering student from India. And I am delighted to share that I have been a proud member of this wonderful community since August 2022.

I’ve been selected as a Google Summer of Code 2023 contributor for the GNOME Settings project. I’ll be working on Creating a New “System” panel in GNOME Settings. @felipeborges will be mentoring me throughout the summer program.

Thanks for having me. :tada: :tada:


Hello Everyone :grinning:,
Hope you all are doing well.

I’m Sriyansh Shivam, a 20 year-old Computer Science and Engineering student from India. I’ve been a part of the community since November 2022.

I’m delighted to share that I’ve been selected as a Google Summer of Code 2023 contributor for the Make GNOME Platform demos for Workbench project. Further I’ll be also working on integrating a New Search Feature to improve the development workflow in Workbench. This project will greatly help in onboarding new developers to GNOME and also showcase GNOME platform capabilities. @sonny and @andyholmes will be mentoring me throughout this program.

Really excited to be here and looking forward to a great summer :rocket: :rocket:


Hi everyone,

My name is Gurmannat Sohal and I am very excited to be a part of the Google Summer of Code program this year. I am an electrical engineering student from India and have been part of the GNOME community for a few months now.
I am thrilled to share that I have been selected to participate in the Google Summer of Code 2023 for the project Implement backlog search in Polari IRC client! I am very grateful for this opportunity and excited to work on an open-source project that I am passionate about. @fmuellner and @garnacho will be my mentors for the summer.
I am looking forward to collaborating with the mentors and the other contributors in the program, and I am eager to make the most of this experience. Thank you for this opportunity!


Hi, everyone!

I’m Pedro Sader Azevedo, a Computer Engineering student at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) in Brazil. I’m part of the FOSS student club there, where I helped organize a few community-engagement events to promote usage of and contribution to Free Software projects. My favorite of those was the “1 char _Hackathon” in which we taught people to contribute to GTK applications with mnemonics.

I started contributing with translations, which seemed less intimidating than coding, but was so warmly welcomed that I soon started programming as well.

In the next few months I’ll be working as a GSoC intern to integrate the functionality of GNOME Network Displays into GNOME Settings, with the guidance of @felipeborges, @cwunder, @jadahl, and @kyteinsky. I’m honored by the opportunity and can’t wait to see what comes out of your GSoC internships!


Hello everyone,

I’m Tim, currently pursuing my bachelor’s degree in computer science, and started getting into Linux and FOSS in late 2019. I’ve since been using and learning from quite a few FOSS applications and projects, but never really contributed back to the community due to a lack of interest, time, knowledge, or all of the above, though it always bothered me to not have given something back in return.
With GSoC 2023 right around the corner and a project that really piqued my interest, I finally decided to take the chance and applied as a contributor. Needless to say, I am grateful to have been accepted into the program! I will be participating in the development of FlatSync, with @Cogitri as the mentor.
I’m both excited and happy to now have the chance to give something back to the GNOME community after using their DE and ecosystem for about 2 years now, so thanks again for having me, I look forward to this opportunity a lot!



I’m José,

I just turned 20, and I’m currently studying to get my bachelors in Computer Science. I’m FOSS Nerd and have been using GNOME for 2 years. I’ve used GTK for personal projects and now I’m an Outreachy intern who is excited to contribute to Workbench. @sonny and @andyholmes will be mentoring me, and I hope to be helpful.




I’m Ivar Hill, a 30 year old game developer/director, originally from Sweden but currently living in the US. I used GNU/Linux pretty extensively about a decade ago, but for the past 10 or so years I’ve been mostly on Windows. This has been purely for practical reasons and I’ve always wanted to go back to using GNU/Linux exclusively, and now that it’s much easier to find alternatives to proprietary Windows applications I made the leap back to Fedora and GNOME.

It’s been a wonderful experience so far, and I’m really looking forward to spending more time giving back to the FOSS community. Everyone here and on the Matrix rooms have been incredibly friendly and GNOME has been my favorite desktop experience, bar none. Excited to be here!


Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing well.
I’m ContractOver, I’ve been using GNU+Linux since around 2018. I’ve used pretty much every DE in existence but Gnome is my favorite. unless I’m using a very week computer I’ll always choose Gnome.
I’m mostly known for my small distro and my Arabic translation for os-installer.

Also, I could be incorrect (Probably) but I think this forum uses the same software as the one in the LibreComputer forum. I like that.

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I’m Nathan and I’m a frontend web developer and design system appreciator. I came into contact with Linux through Adwaita in 2022 and have never looked back. I wouldn’t call myself a FOSS advocate but I prefer it when developers play nice, which happens more frequently in open source. When I (finally) finish my education, I’d love to start getting more involved in UI design and web development for GNOME.

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Hey everyone!

I’m Utkarsh, a 21-year-young :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: student studying computer science. For the past four years, I’ve been into the Linux world, using the GNOME desktop environment and trying out different distributions like Ubuntu, Arch, and Manjaro.

I’m excited about the chance to work with mentors and other contributors in this program. It’s a fantastic opportunity, and I can’t wait to jump in and make the most of it.

Thanks a bunch for this amazing opportunity!

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Hello! My name is Max, and I am 18 years old. I discovered Linux (and FOSS in general) in Feburary of 2021 and have been in love with it since. My first distribution was Fedora Linux with GNOME. For some time I was on KDE, but then in a few months switched back to GNOME and stayed on it. Currently I use Arch Linux + GNOME 46.

I am looking for ways to contribute in the long term to the GNOME project. I have been loving the organized structure of the foundation and their standards. I am currently building a GTK4 application, Album, a photo and video album application for GNOME desktop and mobile devices on the Phosh shell. :grin:

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Hello everyone!

My name is Angelo Verlain Shema, or vixalien. I’m a student and aspiring GNOME developer. I discovered Linux when my old PC was too slow for Windows, which prompted me to look for alternative operating systems and a few months later, I was watching YouTube videos by alecaddd and ebassi trying to learn how to make Desktop GTK apps.

Fast forward now, I’m the maintainer of Decibels, and wrote other apps like Sticky Notes and Muzika. I also contribute to other apps in the GNOME project.