Say "Hello" thread

Hi folks,

My name Mike I’ve been using Linux roughly 10 years now since I first discovered it as a sophomore in high school and have been in love with it since. I’m mainly a Fedora and Ubuntu user, though, I have flirted with Arch Linux every once in awhile. :smile:



My name is Matti Hyttinen, 31 years old and 9 year Linux user. I originally got into Linux because I liked the design of Gnome desktop and the open source ideology. After starting with Arch linux I’ve run wide variety of distros and desktops, mostly tiling window managers. Currently co-maintain the Gnome edition of Manjaro Linux. I joined the forum because I wanted to get in touch with gnome community and to learn better maintain our gnome configuration. My understanding of the underlying technologies behind the desktop and theming are still somewhat shallow, and I wish to learn more from my seniors here.


Hi all

My name is Michael, I am 37 years old and Linux user since 2006 and almost since then I am a gnome user also.

I started 7-8 years ago to study C language and since 2016 GTK and this is all about I am interesting.

I created also an YouTube channel where I am providing a beginner graphic explanation of the GTK3 documentation:

I am coding microcontrollers for fun and my daily job has nothing to do with coding at all.

I am happy being a member of this community.
Thank you Guys



I am a C coder interested in GTK+ and similar libraries.


Hello you all! I’ve tried many desktops, but I like Gnome the most. It’s simple, clean, and easy to configure. My latest project is porting Three.js to AssemblyScript over at I like to write 3D graphical experiences with HTML, for example: Looking forward to being part of the community!


Hi, I am Sébastien, aka sogal, openSUSE member and happy GNOME user for a few years now.

I knew GNOME and its community (I regularly meet other French members during FOSS events) but got convinced to sign up here and say “hello” by the nice persons I met last week-end at FOSDEM 2020, so that’s what I am doing :slightly_smiling_face:

See you !


Hi, found the use of this thread, very late.

  • Myself J Arun Mani (age 17, yeah!) from Tamil Nadu, India.
  • You can find me online here asking silly questions. I’m on the final year for schooling, so I think, I will soon start contributing to GNOME projects.
  • I and my friend own a startup, so far not so great progress, because I’m stuck with studies.
  • Apart from that, I’m a moderator at WT Social and an admin, creator of an unofficial Linux Mint users group in Telegram (
  • Started with Linux Mint (2 years ago) and shifted to Debian (with GNOME), a year ago
  • A Python craze.

You can PM me whenever you want, because I like friends and new things… lets rock!


welcome back, Calum great to see you here! :slight_smile:


welcome, Arun - I see you are already active. Cheers.


Hey everyone!

I’m Eric, 28 years old, living in southeast Michigan, USA. Currently, I work as an Environmental Engineer focused on GIS Analysis and Data Engineering. I am pursuing my Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Michigan currently and loving it. I’m the curator and author of a relatively new weekly article regarding news in the Linux world and community, called Linux++. If you’re at all interested, I’d love you to check it out here and let me know what you think!

I’ve been using Linux since I was 15 years old with SuSE Linux Enterprise 10 in 2007. Seeing screenshots of GNOME 2 via Ubuntu 8.04 is what got me to really take desktop Linux seriously and begin truly exploring. Since then, I basically was a GNOME 2 then Unity user until it was dumped in 2018. I switched from KDE to Cinnamon to MATE over the past couple years and just recently fell back in love with GNOME after trying out version 3.34 via Clear Linux OS on my Intel NUC and Solus on a Thinkpad.

I really want to become more involved in the GNOME community and am taking steps to join the engagement team and hopefully contribute to the codebase for the first time shortly.

Thanks for being the awesome community that you are and I hope to see you around the forums and maybe even in the real world someday! :grin:


Hello Fellow Community members,
I am Alex a.k.a. Ari, I left the MS Windosw world about 11 years ago first for mac for 1 year and about 10 years ago moved to the Linux World, from the start GNOME was familiar since I was Mac user.
For my Personal PC I have used a lot of Linux Distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubutnu, Ubuntu Mate, Pepermint, Linux Mint. Gentoo, Arch, Antegros, Manjaro and last PopOS.
When I get the time and test out all the best game Fedora setups will move 100% to Fedora for my game and entertainment PC (using mostly steam/proton and Netflix, HBO, HULU, and Jellyfin).

Scientific Linux / CentOS Fedora Labs and Fedora Workstation have been my work PC for the last about 5 years and I am happy with it, GNOME is perfect with keyboard shortcuts no need for a mouse, and getting better over the years along with Fedora, yum was and is great dnf is also great.

I always have two PCs for work one with stable CentOS or previously Scientific Linux and the experimental one on Fedora RC or Fedora stable, but recently for the last month I have switched it I use Fedora 30 as primary OS (31 soon) + most of Fedora Labs software (my own mix edit app list).
and as test PC I tried to use Fedora Silverblue and it works wonderful, since at most I need browser for all my work web services and terminal for testing and writing code (MCEDIT).

So just tried Fedora 31 and I believe it is even better and I am impressed with each new version and new release with all the improvements, I cannot wait to upgrade my core work PC to Fedora 31, also Fedora Silverblue is my now GO TO test PC now and I enjoy being part of the bleeding edge of apps.

GNOME has always been one of my core desktop environments for years GNOME2 and GNOME3.
Excellent job on Gnome Discourse Forum with a great community, keep up the wonderful work.

EDIT: Live Long and Prosper :vulcan_salute:
Regards, Alex


Hi everybody! My name’s Chris Patti and I’m a system development engineer by day.

I’ve been using computers since the mid 80s and my first task in my first paid job in the industry 30 years ago (Yes, I’m old :slight_smile: was installing Interactive UNIX System V R3.2 on a PC using a VERY large stack of floppies :slight_smile:

I do know C but I’m very rusty. The programming language I’m most fluent in is Python, so I’ll be looking around at PyGtk and related projects to see where I might be able to help out.

I’m also fascinated by Gnome 3’s Javascript innards and am currently resisting the urge to go learn that language so I may see what I can do with desktop application automation from the comfort of Python land :slight_smile:

I’m super excited by all the work and energy around Gnome these days and find running Gnome 3 on the desktop to be a very pleasant and productive experience. Thank you everyone for all your hard work!


Hello, I am PizzaLovingNerd, I am a 14 year old Linux user, developer, and YouTuber from a Seattle.

I started programming at age 7, and used Ubuntu for the first time at age 9. I switched on and off Windows 8 and 10 until 2017 when I switched to Kubuntu (I know, I’m a traitor). I’ve been making YouTube videos about Linux since then.

I started getting into GNOME when I switched to Solus Budgie after having issues with Fedora Plasma. I fell in love with the Budgie desktop, a desktop that heavily relies on the GNOME Stack. So even though I hated the GNOME Desktop, I really liked all the other GNOME applications.

Eventually, someone on my YouTube channel challenged me to use GNOME Shell for 7 days. At first I hated the experience but eventually, I got used to the unique GNOME workflow, and now, I just can’t get enough out of GNOME.

I have since stuck with GNOME and GTK Desktops, for 8 months, and I don’t plan on leaving.


A wild Jeff has entered the thread.

Lo, I’m late to the Discourse party. I’m not quite sure why I got tricked into activating my account tonight but oops, I did, so you’re out of luck!

I designed and helped maintain Pitivi for the better part of a decade, then served two years on the Foundation’s board and Engagement team, then worked in the shadows (on the periphery of GNOME) as a chief marketing officer for some years, and now I’m progressively* resurfacing. My current pet project is trying to revive the Getting Things GNOME project & community (help is very much welcome, whether it’s cleaning up the contributors documentation, flatpaking, infrastructure, or testing and bugfixing).

I’m theoretically part of the GNOME Old Farts Club™, but never got a sticker badge from @hadess so I guess I’m forever young, which might be why nobody in House Solidor takes me seriously as the future emperor of Archadia.

*: my involvement in GNOME is limited at the moment because I’m looking for work, but I figured that I’d activate my account here so that you know it exists, and can ping me if I can be of help in particular topics.


Greetings everyone!

I’m Jose, 20 yo, and I’ve been using Linux for a little over 6 years now. I first started using Lakka of all things to play some games I got from my brother, but not too long after I moved on to Ubuntu on my laptop, and the rest is history (and by that I mean years of never-ending distro-hopping). I’ve been playing around different apps, DEs, and starting (but not necessarily ending) random projects ever since.

I mostly use Linux for software development and CAD design, but I do like to play some games every once in a while. I met the love of my life thanks to Linux, and I’m happy to say that Fedora and I have been together for the past 6 months now, and boy oh boy do I love her. Anyways, I initially joined the forums looking for help with a Gtk3 project I was working on not too long ago, but I never got to post anything back then. Now that I’m back because of the same reason, I’ll try to be part of this great community of yours this time!


You are in great company… a lot of people who started GNOME were around 14 years old. Some have grown up and have become CTOs and started start ups etc. :slight_smile:


Hi Everyone,

I use GNOME as my regular desktop.

Been using computers since the TRS-80 Color Computer days with OS-9 (not the Apple OS!)

Continuing to learn to program with Python.

Mostly a lurker but for the last 6 years have given back to the community as a volunteer with the Gramps Free Genealogy program project that uses GTK for the main GUI .

Thank you to the GNOME & GTK developers.


Hello there ! I am apoorv sachan, My online alias is apoos_maximus. I am participating in GSOC 2020 under GNOME. I will be working on nautilus the file manager for gnome and porting it’s UI generation code to use GtkBuilder. My mentor is António Fernandes (@antoniof ).
Well about my relationship with Linux, It had started about four years ago in a college club meet, I have been a full blown linux user ever since.
My first distribution was Fedora, than I moved on to using Suse-Linux for some time, tried different flavours of ubuntu, and finally felt comfortable using debian, and it has been an year since ! The best opensource software I have ever used is GIMP and Inkscape these together are the best art tool ever ! I love painting, and look forward to making good open-source contributions to the projects I find cool ! I Would love making more friends here !
I could be found online at :


Hello everyone,

I’m Mahmoud Khalil, 22 years old, and I’m participating in GSoC 2020. I’ll work with the help of my mentor Alberto Fanjul (@albfan) to extend the Gitg Application with a new functionality which is comparing and detecting differences between any two non-consecutive commits.

I’ve been using Linux since 2014, I first used Ubuntu, then I moved to Fedora, and I’m using Arch now. I always choose between these three awesome distros. I’ve been trying to contribute to opensource projects since I’ve used Linux, and I really want to make a difference and an impact, especially in software I use daily.

I really like Gnome simplicity, and it’s productive workflow, and I’m looking forward to working on improving it and being a part of it.


Hello everyone!

I’m Ujjwal Kumar, currently in my pre-final year of BTech in Computer Engineering and I’m from India.
Under the GSoC 2020 programme, this summer I’ll be contributing to libhandy’s codebase maintained by Adrien Plazas, who will also be mentoring me.

I’m a Linux user for about 2.5 years. Love Ubuntu with GNOME (reason being simplicity). Linux is the only OS on my laptop. (I don’t change the default wallpaper whether it is a mobile phone or computer.)

Completely new to Open Source contributions (glad I started my Open Source journey with this great community).

Excited to contribute more to projects used by so many people!!