Say "Hello" thread

Hi, I’m Alan Olsen. I have been working with computers and programming since 1972, which makes me an old person. I have been using Linux since 1994, Unix since Xenix, FORTRAN since cards, assembly since the 8088, and way too much else. I have worked at too many places, done too many things, and my use of the Oxford comma can be random.

I got invited here, I assume, because I submitted a bug report on glib. I am interested in a bunch of experimental modifications to Gnome. Maybe they will be useful, maybe not. It give me an excuse to dig into the guts of the system and spew them wildly. My interests extend all of the place. Trying to focus on just a few things, but then I get distracted. Trying to focus on writing in C instead of just using Perl as a shortcut. Most of the stuff I have developed have been tools for internal use or patches to other people’s stuff. I am currently building a framework for maintaining a distribution.



Love that you guys have moved over to discourse. That makes this site ‘pin-worthy’ in my browser, making it more likely I’ll be able to keep up with discussions in this community. \o/

I’m Alan Pope, and have been using GNOME on various computers since about 2001. Mostly on Ubuntu or Debian, but I also keep an eye on every other distro in a vast library of VMs I wake up periodically. I work for Canonical as a Developer Advocate, working on snapcraft.

I’m also a presenter of the Ubuntu Podcast (back on the air later this week after a longer than usual season break of 3 months). We love interviewing people from the free software community, so I’d love to hear from people who would be up for a 20 min chat about their project(s). <3


Hi, I’m Eric Williams. I work for Red Hat on the Eclipse team, specifically working on SWT. SWT is a cross-platform GUI toolkit written in Java. I maintain the Linux side of it, which consumes GTK/WebKit-GTK. SWT-GTK currently supports GTK3 and also has experimental/rudimentary support for GTK4. :slight_smile:


Hi all!

My name is Mattias, I’m 37 and work as a developer / sysadmin at an eye tracking company in Gothenburg, Sweden.

I used to maintain GNOME Maps. Nowadays I mostly lurk. :slight_smile:


Could you help us with answering some Python questions that might come up from time to time?

Certainly I will do my best! :smile:

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I’m Calum, 47, Scottish UX designer, living in Ireland, emeritus member of the GNOME Foundation.

I started using GNOME in 2000 (and GIMP a couple of years before that), when I joined Sun and their efforts to replace their Solaris CDE desktop with GNOME. That led to being involved in the GNOME Usability and Accessibility projects for the next 10 years or so, but now I’m mainly just an interested onlooker. (Though I am still at Sun^H^H^HOracle, and we do still ship GNOME 3 as the the desktop on the latest version of Solaris).


Hi everyone! I’m Mathieu, developer, and member of the GNOME Foundation.

I’m mostly involved around the Flatpak ecosystem, in Flathub and the Freedesktop SDK, where I once broke all the apps. I’ve fixed the GNOME nightlies a few times though, so hopefully it evens out?

I also dabble in Chinese input methods, and spend time trying to understand what the Rust compiler is telling me.


Hello, my name is Rodrigo. I’ve been using Linux since 2012. I started translating 2 years ago first Ubuntu and then GNOME because I wanted to contribute to the community somehow.
I know some programming languages at a basic level. I don’t consider myself as a developer so I report bugs if I can. This is my way to pay you the amazing programs you make cause I don’t have much money to donate.


Hello, I’ve been using Linux since around 98’ . I am a pure desktop user, never coded and work keeps me in Windows land. Now at 46 and many years later I’m thinking of doing Linux for a living. I have never been a Gnome user, and I’m not sure I will be. But it is used by all the major Distros now and I figure I need to know it and get involved a little. I usually live in an i3 world.

Looking forward to learning from y’all.


Hello, I’m Lollypop, Eolie and Passbook maintainer.

I’m 38 years old and started using Linux in 1999.

My first contribution to Free Software was in Compiz (window placement).

Was a KDE dev ten years ago: working on Oxygen-gtk, kded-appmenu and more.

I switched to GNOME because I really love the GNOME3 HIG!



I’m Marius. I’ve been using Linux since 1998 and GNOME since 2004. My day job (since 2002) is programming web apps in Python, and in my spare time (and sometimes company-sponsored time) I play with GTK desktop applications written in Python.

I’m the maintainer of gtimelog (aka Time Log), a small time tracking application. I’m not a very good maintainer: I’m afraid of human interaction, don’t know how to attract people, or at least not scare away contributors that show up on GitHub. I can’t even manage to write release announcements! The burnout doesn’t help either.


Hi everyone!

I’m Niels, I’m 26 years old male from Belgium and I’ve been a GNOME contributor for a couple of years now. I work as a software engineer for Barco as a day job, where I work with (and learned to love) GStreamer, a GObject-based multimedia framework and some other GNOME-related technologies like mutter.

I started out in GNOME by contributing to Geary and later started contributing to other projects, such as GNOME calculator. Somewhere around that time, I became a foundation member too. Lately, I’m maintaining GNOME Contacts, libfolks and seahorse (Passwords and Keys). Once in a while, I try to contribute some small changes to other GNOME/GStreamer projects, in the hope I learn something new or just to help around in general.


Hi Everyone, I’m Jim Campbell and I’m 44 years old. I currently work as a Linux Systems Engineer in Chicago. Our company has about 400 users with Linux workstations, so I work with people who work with GNOME every day.

It’s been a while since I’ve contributed to GNOME directly, but I’ve written documentation for gedit, for the GNOME user guide, the GNOME Sysadmin guide, and have submitted patches / portions of docs for other applications, as well.



Hello, I’m Rasmus Thomsen. I’m currently an economics student and will start a CS course later this year.

I’ve maintained (parts of) GNOME for some distros now, first in Exherbo, later in Void and now I’ve moved on to Alpine and am in the process of getting a somewhat complete GNOME suite running on it. I’m currently working on gxi, a GTK-rs frontend for Xi-editor. Imagine it a bit like Gedit, but with a different backend :slight_smile:


Hello, I’m Mario Daniel Ruiz Saavedra, a colombian software developer. Mostly a lurker, and a Vala newbie. I do professional work on Kotlin, Java 8, Groovy, and sometimes JS or C#.

I’ve never contributed to GNOME, but I want to start now.

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Hi, I’m adlo. I’m a Linux user and coder. I’ve used all of the major desktop environments and I don’t have a preference, but at the moment I’m using GNOME on Fedora 30.

I’m mainly interested in window management apps. I’m currently writing a window switcher and a Wayland compositor.

I am the author of xfce4-lightdash-plugin, a GNOME Shell-style dashboard for Xfce.


Hello Everyone.

My name is Isaac (yzakius on IRC) from Brazil. I’m a Anthropologist writing and researching about technique. Also learning python and working with django backend. I hope contribute with some codes in GNOME soon.

I’ve been user of linux since 2004. On my journey I tried many DEs and WMs (GNOME, KDE, i3, Awesome, XFCE, Fluxbox, Blackbox, WindowMaker).

In 2017 I went back to GNOME and started with my first contributions too. Today I contribute with translations and social media.



I’m currently the GNOME Notes maintainer but I’ve done contributions to GNOME Calendar and GNOME To Do before (thanks @gbsneto).

I was born in 1973, Sao Paulo, Brazil. I started to play with Linux after College in 1997 when I bought this book “Linux Kernel Internals” and it came with a copy of Slackware. By that time I was already working with Oracle and PL/SQL and the first thing I did was installing Oracle for SCO, because they were binary compatible, and I ran some full scan queries in the database; my powerfull 486 DX4 100Mhz was able to handle many of these queries at the same time. I fell in love at the first run :slight_smile:

I’m running Fedora at home, since Fedora 20. At work I started to use a Linux only system in 2012 because before that I always had to run some sort of Windows only apps. Now I work as a Java Developer at IBM, but my preferred language it’ still C.

I am Derek, I am 40 years old and have been using Linux off and on for over 20 years. Since I was 19 in 1998. I have used many distros since my first one being Slackware. Some of the ones I have used were Mandrake, Red Hat, Fedora Core 1, Mandriva, Gentoo, Ubuntu, Elementary, among the many I have tried. Some I might not remember but I am currently using Manjaro Linux Gnome Edition on the Testing Branch. I am disabled so I have a ton of free time to read and learn more about Linux and things surrounding Linux. I have some experience with coding, having taken 4 years of computer programming in high school with the last two being AP College level classes. We used both Basic and Pascal so never got into the more popular languages and it’s been a while since I really got my feet wet in code. I have used a wide array of desktop environments and window managers from Enlightenment to i3 KDE to Gnome, even Deepin for a very short time. I always tend to come back to Gnome :slight_smile:

I am open and willing to help any way I can, not sure if there is a telegram or discord group, I am familiar with IRC having run a small IRC network before so I am comfortable there as well. Feel free to contact me through my many forms of contact, send me a message through here.