Random cursor positioning at the email list at evolution

hi all!
Got a question about evolution app.
Why is the cursor not placed at the end of the list of emails, but falls on some average value when i am changing the mailbox?​
3.52.3-0ubuntu1 on kubuntu 24.04

I don’t get the question. What “cursor”? What is a clear list of steps to reproduce something?

  1. add two mailboxes at evolution.
  2. switch from one to another from time to time. Usually cursor selects last email.
  3. But sometimes it “jumps” not to the end, you move it to the end, switch to another mailbox and back and cursor again selected not the last email.

if you mean the selected message in the message list, then it remembers
where you’ve been the last time and restores it when you return back to
the folder, unless the message had been deleted meanwhile, maybe by
some other app, then there’s some guess what to select (usually an
unread message is chosen, if such exists).

I didn’t delete message but “it’s guess” leads me to this

When it should be at the end of the list…

I’m not sure what I’m looking at. The “red text” is a selected message,
while there had been selected a different one few seconds ago? Does
that previously selected message still exist in that folder?

What does the Edit->Preferences->Mail Preferences->General tab->Apply
the same view settings to all folders option show to you, please? If I
recall correctly, it does not have impact on the selected message

Take a look at the scrolling bar, it’s somewhere oin the midle - it’s a “guess” work result…

It happens from time to time scrolling going from the end to this position, and i don’t understand why.

“Apply the same view settings to all folders” option is turned on.

I think it happens when i scroll down on emails of one mailbox (tho check i read all the emails) and then switch to another, than scrolling position on the second mailbox is wrong.

Is this affected by the sorting order of the folder? Note that the
order can be changed by right-clicking on the Messages title at the top
of the folder menu and can be customised.


Seems it happens only when newer is at the bottom.

“Sent” or “Received”? Probably unimportant in this case, but Received
is more reliable as Sent depends on the sender’s configuration.


I am suffering in inbox )

I tried this:

  • threaded view, aka View->Group By Threads is checked
  • select a folder with many messages
  • the cursor is at the last line of it, the same the message list is scrolled at the bottom
  • scroll the message list several lines/pages to the top, thus the selected message is not visible
  • do not select other message, instead select a different folder, which has less messages (the scrollbar is at the very bottom of the message list too)
  • go back to the previous folder

The scrollbar is at the bottom, with the selected message visible, just as expected. Neither of the involved folders content changed while I’ve been testing this.

The trigger for the misbehavior might need something more than what I did, I guess.

i am using NOT threaded view, aka View->Group By Threads is UNchecked.
Sorting is newer at the bottom.
Scrol the mail list as yu are trying to see is there any unread emails.
and than swtich the mailbox to other
check the scrolling position of mailbox you are switched on.
It’s not at the bottom, it almost on top…

There might be something more, some little thing I’ve missing, which
prevents it from happening. I have the same setup as you and I do not
see it. I switch between Inbox with 311 messages and Sent with 241
messages, the selected message is the last in the list (the newest) in
both folders and none misbehaves when I scroll with a mouse wheel to
the top.

When you switch the folders, is the selected message in the view? It is
for me, and as there left the last message selected (I did not change
it, neither accidentally, when scrolling the view) it is also selected
again and scrolled to.

  1. You need to switch between mailboxes! Not folders.
  2. You need to scroll DOWN. Your newer messages will me the last at the bottom, so you scroll down to check if there any new that you did not read.
  3. Right after you scroll DOWN you must switch to the second MAILBOX.

I installed flatpak version, it a little newer (3.54.3 (by Flathub.org) ) and the same bug.

p.s. Grouping by threads has nothing to do with it.

here the video… and the sound, where you can hear when i am using mouse wheel or not.

I’ve a feeling I misunderstood from the beginning. I’m sorry.

Is it that you read some older message, then only scroll, but not
selected, to the bottom, to see whether any new messages arrived,
keeping the selected (and viewed) message selected. Then you switch to
another folder/account (there might not be much different between the
folder in the current account and in another account from my point of
view), then you switch back to the previous folder, where you only
scrolled down and:

  • the previously selected message is selected again
  • the selected messages is visible in the list, thus the view is
    scrolled up, not down as you left it.

If it’s this, then it’s correct and expected behavior. Evolution
remembers which message was selected, not the scrollbar position.

I re-tried your steps and I see it here too, but it’s expected.

Interesting. It’s not what I see here and it’s not expected either.

How many messages are in those two folders, please? I’m thinking of
some timing or such issue.

125 in upper
and 4225 in lower