I have complete contents of the current Evolution mailing list (not
this Discourse forum) since it was created in November 2022, totalling
1974 messages, and of the Fedora Users list since August 2013 with
87479 messages. Both are on separate Google accounts (Gmail and
Workspace) accessed via IMAP. Each folder is organised in Received
order, with latest at the bottom and Thread View enabled.
I can select an arbitrary message from each of these and switch back
and forth between the two accounts without seeing the issue you
describe. It’s clearly not related to the size of the mailboxes.
Could you try one thing for me, please? I’d like you to add a UID
column into the message list in both folders (like in the video). You
can do it by right-clicking the header above the message list, pick Add
column, and then drag&drop it between the other columns in the header.
The UID is per folder (usually), thus two folders can be the same UIDs.
I’m wondering whether the message list remembers some UID from one
folder, then you switch to another, where this UID also exists, but in
another position, and the message list scrolls to that UID from the
previous folder.
added. It’s totally different. One folder is exchange mailbox, and another is IMAP.
And remember - scrolling is the problem! Without scrolling before the switch - cursor position will be ok.
Can you repeat the bug at your env?