Icon view sizes in Nautilus 43

That is not even covering half of what happened. Why bother commenting some obscure speculation if you’re not actually interested in a discussion?

Why even write “please” after shitting on the person you are asking?

However, with it, we have 5 size options now, which a little too many;

I’m not shitting on anyone. I’m having a laugh with a silly decision.

Okay, people: if all you’re going to do is come here, insult the people that sink their personal time volunteering to make the software you use for free, and completely ignore a whole discussion, then I think we can close this topic entirely.

If you can’t behave like a human being, and abide to the code of conduct, then you have nothing of value to contribute to any discussion here, and I have no issues taking out the moderation mallet.


I’m willing to volunteer my time to bring back the 64px icon size, previously named “standard”. Will you accept it?

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@ebassi please show me how I violated the COC and if I really did, then please ban me.

The issue is not adding a new size, or changing an existing size: that’s not even remotely what this is all about.

The issue is:

  • maintenance
  • design
  • future development

Please read the whole topic before leaving a reply.

I was eagerly considering asking for a feature change exception to allow back the 64px size for version 43.

But now I’m concerned that’s going to feed the toxic mindset that the best way to influence development is to bully the developers into submission.

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I apologize if any of my comments insulted you (now I noticed it was your commit), it was not my intention. No offense, but saying that you were considering to bring back the 64px icon size in 43 but now you won’t because of users comments is a little childish.

Anyway, have a good night.

“No offense, but” and misrepresenting what I said to call it childish doesn’t make your apology or your intentions seem honest.

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My apology was honest for my first comment. If you accept it or not is up to you. Also what you said about feeding the toxic mindset, looks childish to me.

As I said have a good night. I don’t want to get into an argument.

I just register for that.
Seriously, I don’t understand the election of sizes. For many users (1080p), 96, 168 and, obviously, 256 is large or super large. I suppose that some people use super screen with millions of trillions pixels and they need 256px icons. But many many users needs a couple of sizes for their setup. And now, it is not.
In fact, the main problem is using absolute values rather than relative values. Relative to the screen size, clearly. 256px in a 1080p screen is a quarter part size! Clearly no sense for the major of people. If you don’t have a problem in your eyes, you prefer to see at least more than 4 icons vertically…

So please, solve this issue.

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I understand that design decisions are often like looking into a crystal ball. But the removal of 64px icons is way too early in my opinion. I am acting as a sysop in an university and migrated hundreds of machines from KDE (or even worse Mac/Win) to (GNU/Linux) with Gnome while the last 3 years.
4k displays are definitely not the default size at the moment.

I bet this change will not go over well as soon as Gnome 43 has arrived in our GNU/Linux distribution. No offense but this would feel like a classical design decision made by MS.
Extended support for 64px icons for the next 5 years would be a smart and strategic decision in my opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, I thank all the developers for so many other very good things in Gnome! :slight_smile:


I would like to add my vote for a return of the 64px size. I just tried out the Fedora 37 Beta in VM on a 2K monitor (2560x1440) and was dismayed with the removal of the size. Instead of having Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large, what I have is Small, Large, Extra Large and Gargantuan. The problem is exacerbated when you have a Desktop Icons extension and it still has the Medium size icons. I use this size on all my monitors regardless of their resolution, be they 1080p, 2K or 4K. My current workaround is to switch Nautilus to List View, but I would much prefer the return of the Medium size.

Thank you for your time and for your efforts!

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To let hear from the other camp: while I was on GNOME 42 and trying Files 43 from Nightly flatpak I thought the new thumbnail sizes would be bothering me. (I droned on to António a bit much about the differences in the issue. I apologize for that.) But after upgrading to GNOME 43, I haven’t noticed the difference in daily use and I do work with a lot of image files. I like the new design :slight_smile: I know a ton of work went into Files 43 and it shows!

Looking at Files 42 and 43 side by side, on the default icon sizes, the thumbnails for image files are a bit smaller in 43 but icons are actually the same size (look at a folder icon for example).

12 posts were split to a new topic: Grid view mockups and experiments

Setup: 4K monitor at 150% scaling.

I’m also looking at it from a folder icon and non-image document icon point of view, as this is the main context I’m working in.

The current smallest icon size results in:

  • text labels being wrapped to multiple lines more often, making them harder to read.
  • despite its direct margins being clickable as well, you try to hit the folder directly anyway. This gives you a much smaller surface to work with
  • it feels like the icons are smaller than what feels balanced with the rest of the Files interface. Especially because of the text labels size I suppose, since the sidebar icons are basically the same size. The label size can’t be made smaller either though

The icon size one step bigger results in:

  • less icons in view so needing to resize windows and scrolling more
  • clunky looking icons compared to the surrounding interface

I’m at one step bigger size icons for the time being for the lack of a better option. This option has the least disadvantages, but remains awkward.

My current monitor sizes, if it helps:

13" 4K (3840x2160) at 200%
15" 1920x1200 at 100%
24" 2K (2560x1440) at 100%
32" 2K (2560x1440) at 100%

(Different machines and/or setups, not all at the same time.)

On second thought, despite mentioning my screen size, it makes no difference. I use it with my 1080p laptop screen next to it with the exact same experience.