Dear Foundation members,
You are invited to attend this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the GNOME Foundation, which similarly to GUADEC 2020 will be held as an online virtual event this year.
About the AGM
Every year, the GNOME Foundation’s Board of Directors sets aside some time at GUADEC for the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Everyone is invited to attend the AGM and hear updates on what has been happening at GNOME for the last year, and also to get to know the new Board members and ask any questions that they may have. If there are any items requiring a vote by the Foundation membership to resolve, a vote is conducted at the AGM.
Why attend?
Besides getting an update on what has happened at GNOME over the last year, and getting to know some of the GNOME Foundation leaders, there will be other fun things planned too. This year the GUADEC group photo might need a little more creative thinking, but normally features as part of the AGM along with our annual Pants Award ceremony. For clarity to any British English speakers, this means trousers - for a deserving community contributor!
Details for this year’s meeting
- Time: 15:00 - 16:30 UTC
- Date: Saturday 25th July 2020
- Location: GUADEC Big Blue Button platform, details to follow
Agenda for this year’s AGM (subject to change)
- Introduction to new Board of Directors
- Reports on the previous 12 months
- Q&A
- Pants Award (Pants - GNOME Wiki!)
If you are a member of our community who has contributed significantly, we encourage you to apply to become a GNOME Foundation member as soon as possible so that you can participate more fully in events like our AGM, board elections and other member votes. For more information on how to apply for Foundation Membership, please check out: Membership – The GNOME Foundation
The Board is looking forward to (virtually) seeing you at the AGM, and to celebrating our achievements over the last 12 months. If you have any questions before the meeting, please let us know and we’ll do our best to answer them.
Rob McQueen
President, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors