GIMP's `master` branch string freeze

Hello translators!

We are finally moving on with a string freeze for GIMP 3.0.0! :partying_face:

As you all imagine, this will be a huge release and we are going to have a release candidate first (GIMP 3.0.0-RC1), then possibly more depending on reported bugs. This is why we don’t set a release date for sure here.

We are feature-frozen already and we think that all remaining work-in-progress we had which would touch localized strings are done. If ever we realize that we missed some strings which should really be added/updated, we’ll ping you here. Hopefully this won’t happen.

Obviously we welcome translations on all GIMP-related modules, including on GEGL. :hugs:


Notification to translators:

Thanks to @ajonsson who noticed it, there was an obvious typo for a string saying "Could not open '%s' for reading AA" (the “AA” in the end was not supposed to be there).

Since it made no sense whatsoever, I just fixed it with this commit.

Sorry for this! :bowing_man:

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Sorry all, the great @ajonsson found another bug in text which breaks string freeze: menus: fix Plug-In CamelCase (!1805) · Merge requests · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab

This one was a bit harder to discover as it was hidden in the XML menu files. :sweat_smile:

I realized today that I completely forgot to write the AppStream <release> tag so I’m going to add it shortly.

This being said, AFAIK, this won’t break string freeze because anyway the <release> tag’s description are not being translated right now in GNOME translation infrastructure. But just, I thought I’d add a notice here about this, just in case…

Hello all! Unfortunately, one of the labels for the Distress Selection plug-in doesn’t show up when ported to the 3.0 API due to the parser reading “1 < - - > 254” as being an invalid tag. We had to remove the extra description to fix it, so the label is now just “Threshold”. Sorry!

Hi everyone, I’m afraid there’s one more string addition to the script-fu category of GIMP.

An API port exposed a string in the Stencil Carve plug-in dialog, so there’s the new string “Mask drawable” for selecting the mask drawable. This is hopefully among the last string additions, there are not so many bugs tagged rc1 left now :slight_smile:

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We found a wrong section header in a GIMP dialog. The fix (re)introduces the string “Reflectivity” in GIMP 2.99. The string was already present in 2.10. I am sorry for the inconvenience!

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For info, we are getting very close to GIMP 3.0 RC1. I hope releasing on Sunday, November 3 (though no promises!).

A babl release already happened, we are at 99% in our milestone with only 3 reports opened (though I have some tasks I want to take care of which are not marked in the milestone) and @CmykStudent is already preparing a draft for the RC1 news.

Looking kinda good so far! :sweat_smile:

More on the progress: I started the checklist for the RC1 release here: Release GIMP 3.0.0 RC1 (#12244) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab

It took some time. We were quite well prepared this time around (we had the news ready days before, etc.), but it’s like we had all possible infrastructure problems (on GNOME infra, Flathub, even MS infra had issues!) possible for our binaries to actually be made. In the end, we finally managed to get all packages up and ready! Enjoy! :partying_face:


For info, we are preparing RC2. The same string freeze applies (no unfreeze happened) so I’ll continue use this thread.

Cf. Release GIMP 3.0.0 RC2 (#12464) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab

While we are talking about I18N, can someone have a look at this so we can have working translations in our own plugins?

Could you start working GIMP API with GTK4 so that transition to next version would go faster?

I’ll try to have a look, but probably after RC2. Plug-in localization should definitely work so if there is a bug, we want it fixed.

No we are not going to completely change our code to GTK4 (even if it’s “just” the public API), when we are on the verge of releasing GIMP 3.

Unless you are fine for GIMP 3 to release in a year and take care of any fallout from unhappy people! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi all translators!

Very sorry to announce that we broke string freeze, with MR !1996, just 3 days before RC2 release. :bowing_man: Nevertheless this felt necessary because it fixes annoying color correctness issues.

The new strings are visible in the diff. I believe it’s 4 of them:

  • “Layer Blend Space: RGB (from color profile)”
  • “Layer Composite Space: RGB (from color profile)”
  • “A new perceptual blending space was added in %s”
  • “RGB (from color profile)”

We don’t necessarily expect all these strings to be localized in RC2. That’s not the final version anyway and you’ll still have a bit of time before the actual 3.0.0.

Thanks all!

The second release candidate is now live: GIMP 3.0 RC2 Released 🎁 - GIMP


Hello all! We discovered a crash that occurs when you try to copy multiple channels, because an error message wasn’t being set. We had to add a new string since there were no existing translated strings that described the error. Sorry!

Relevant merge request: Issue #12664: Prevent crash when multiple channels are copied (!2057) · Merge requests · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab

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Hi all! For info, we started the release process for GIMP 3.0.0 RC3: Release GIMP 3.0.0 RC3 (#12812) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab

My expected release day is Saturday (not a Sunday for once, because we have a talk in FOSDEM’s main track on Sunday morning and I hope to have RC3 out by then).


Hi all!

The RC3 has just been released! See: GIMP 3.0 RC3 Released - GIMP

We are now en-route for the final GIMP 3.0.0 release. Of course, we’ll see how it goes with RC3 feedback first, but so far, it really feels like we are close.

This info is particularly to you all, our awesome translators! So that you are aware that now is really the time to fix translations if you haven’t already. :smile:

It may even be within the next few weeks, though maybe not, because we are also a bit tired. We’ll see how things go anyway!
