GIMP's `master` branch string freeze

Hi all! We are considering doing the finale release of GIMP 3.0.0 on March 9, Sunday.

This feels like we may be in the finale sprint towards the arrival line! :blush:

So for all translators in particular, this is the time to push last-minute updates!


Hey all! This time, it really looks like we are gonna make it for the GIMP 3 release on Sunday (with 98% completion of the milestone and only 3 remaining reports in there), unless we really discover some very ugly last-second issue.

This means that the next 3 days are the days where translators want to push updates if you want to see them available in our first release in the v3 series! :smile:

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Hi sorry to all translators! We had changed the screenshots in the AppStream metadata just before releasing GIMP 3 with new captions and apparently these are localized (somehow I thought that AppStream file was not translated anymore, but now that we think of it, it may only be what is under <releases>; it’s been some time since I checked this!).

We did notice that some last-minute localization for these screenshot captions did not make it in time. Sorry for this. Next time, we’ll update these sooner (we won’t update these often anyway; here it’s mostly for the toolkit change!).

P.S.: we haven’t publicly announced the release yet. We wait for more packages to be done.