Cannot get Evolution EWS OAuth2 working with third-party (OS33) authentication

Evolution Version: 3.44.4-0ubuntu1
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

I started with a new company and they use a Federated AD via OS33 for authentication. The OS33 authentication requires the use of their mobile authentication app. Basically, when you log in via a browser or (windows) workstation the OS33 app pops up on the users mobile and does the “Is this really you? YES/NO”.

I tried following the Evolution-EWS and OAuth2 for Microsoft 365 article to get Evolution to work but I can’t seem to get passed the authentication. It stalls at this point in the authentication:

I am never presented with a password entry screen.
Yes, the Azure App Registration is approved and active (as far as I can tell).

What am I missing?

it looks like the WebKitGTK cannot handle the OAuth2 wizard (or the
site rejects this user agent), thus it stays empty (it’s that
blank/white rectangle below the URL on your screenshot). There are
several other folks claiming similar issue from time to time. I do not
recall whether it has any real fix, other than opening the URL in
another browser, follow the OAuth2 wizard and copy the authentication
code back to the Evolution. The tricky part is that this had been added
only in 3.46.x series, very recently. You can read the following thread
for an information how to get the latest Evolution series into older
for a price of some limitations (read the whole thread, please).

Thank you for your prompt reply.

… other than opening the URL in another browser, follow the OAuth2 wizard and copy the authentication
code back to the Evolution.

Is there any documentation/examples on how to perform this task? Specifically the copy the authentication
code back to the Evolution?

in the updated Evolution, you’ll see a little arrow beside the URL, on
the right side. When you click on it it’ll open your default browser
with that URL and the UI will change in the window, instead of looking
on the empty page there will be an entry for the authorization code,
with some explanation text.

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Installing the latest version of Evolution, 3.46.3 (by, via flatpak worked. Thank you. The flatpak version allows me to connect and authenticate using the little “arrow” next to the URL and entering the code from the returned URL (code=XXXXX).

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