Best Practices: Tips to develop a best application using GI components

GNOME has a really nice documentation for Human Interface Guidelines. But that doesn’t cover enough things in programming and development itself. So as a proud user of GNOME’s technologies, what are some tips and tricks you would like to tell a newbie or pro that gets the best out of GI components?

Dumb Example :
Use Gtk.SearchBar instead of Gtk.Entry to perform real-time operations on text entered by user.

Psst : Share virtually any tip that you think will benefit someone and feel free to show that in code written using any language, but please mention the language!
Psst : Maybe this thread is out of topic ?? Sorry !


I guess it depends somewhat on the programming language in use. Any time I ask anyone for good examples of GLib in C, the answer is always GNOME Builder’s source.


If I shared all the tips I’ve learned in the 5 years of Gtk and Python, it would make a book. Which reminds me…

If you want to look at some of them head on over to


I get you. Builder’s source is good if you are learning or teaching someone GNOME. Thanks for the tip.

Your name itself tells me how devoted you are to Gtk !! :smile:

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Can we put all these Q&A in GNOME Gtk wiki under FAQ ? Will there be legal issues ?

That reminds me of one more thing:

Can we have a FAQ page for every GNOME app in their main app wiki page ? Whatever app related questions come in GNOME discourse, which would help other users, can go there as well.


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There won’t be any legal issues on my part. I would hope that the Gnome/Gtk wiki has an open license. GPL, or public domain at least.

I never thought about moving them to a Gtk FAQ, even though StackOverflow has been disenchanting lately. Between license changes without voting, moderator layoffs/signoffs and general heavy handed usage by the owners, it’s quite ugly. I still post there just to help people out, but I don’t trust StackOverflow.

Which brings me to: how does one go about copying a question to the wiki? There’s some valid questions being asked, that should have a good home on a Gtk site, including some questions in Gtk chat. Would I need special privileges? Not that I have the time, but still…


Gtk devs, any comments ?