Adding "Image resolution" to the file attributes to show as a column

Hello Gnome community,

The suggested enhancement aims to include an “Image Resolution” column in the file list view of Nautilus. This column would display the resolution information (width x height) for image files as well as video files.

Currently the list consists of the following ones:

I didn’t find any tickets or discussion about this feature, so I created this one here first, and if needed will open a feature ticket on GNOME / Files · GitLab.


Hello @M.krabs !

Could you tell why you want to see such info directly ?

I would like to second this as well. Seeing image resolution at a glance is widely relevant across many different situations, for instance:

  • Viewing a folder with hundreds of images and wanting to sort them by size, or make sure they are the same size, and so on
  • Working with image files that aren’t photos, where it’s often more relevant to view or sort by pixel dimensions
  • Quickly seeing if a certain file has a desired resolution, without having to open it in another application
  • More broadly, virtually any file management when working with photography, graphic design or the like stands to benefit immensely.

One could possibly argue the average user has somewhat less of a need for this, although the same could certainly be said for the owner, group and permissions columns. Regardless I do think it’s not useful strictly for more technical users - even everyday users have needs to check dimensions for printing something, sorting by size, and so on.

Just my personal view though, it’s possible it’s less widely used than I think!

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Hi @Mikenux,

I could think of many possible and specific usecases, with the core reason for this feature being to quickly see the resolution from the explorer without needing to:

open explorer at path > highlight image > right click > Properties > Image

Instead the user wouldn’t need to do anything (once the vies is active):

open explorer at path (prerequisite that the file view has resolution active)

Thanks for the answers. The problem is that this can then be done for any property of the files (not just images) that any user finds relevant…

Yes. The same code that reads file properties can be used to add those properties as columns in the file viewer. There was a time when Nautilus supported that. Just like Windows Explorer and MacOS Finder.

See: GitHub - atareao/nautilus-columns: Adds new columns to Nautilus, so you can view such metadata information. Besides MP3 and FLAC, the script was also updated to support JPEG EXIF shooting data.

See: Not available in Ubuntu 22.04 · Issue #20 · atareao/nautilus-columns · GitHub

I understand that every property can be used to filter files, which is a good thing = endless possibilities.

What makes some filters (like file type or file size) more important / worth being in the filter list, than others (file resolution) ? This is 100% dependent on the community and the users needing particular filters.

Windows has the “top filters” on their main menu: source

And “every” single other imaginable filter in a second menu: source


Looking at my beautiful drawing, you can see that this solution does not feel gnome like, which is why I didn’t want to suggest it (even thought it would solve more than just this ticket).

Using a third party solution (see reply above) is more work and risk than just having it natively in nautilus.

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