A test topic so that the refugees from the Evolution mailing list can try and sort things out

Someone has to do it.

This is a test to see how interacting with this works via email. Please feel free to join in.


Excellent initiative!

Now watching Evo Mail like a hawk to see if this shows up there.

Joining in.
Did you create that topic from email? I imagine you did

Seems like you don’t get an email if you’re logged in here.
Might be necessary to look over the Preferences/Email settings to resolve that.

Personally I want the email notifications whether I’m logged in or not on Discourse.

Testing the settings in the attached pic below.

Hmm, not sure it likes plain text replies!

Thanks Pete. I’ll watch this with interest, assuming I can get the email thing working.

No, I did it on the forum itself - because I couldn’t see how to specifically add an Evolution tag by email.

Seems like you don’t get an email if you’re logged in here.
Might be necessary to look over the Preferences/Email settings to
resolve that.
Personally I want the email notifications whether I’m logged in or
not on Discourse.

There is a setting to do that. But you don’t seem to get a
notification of your own posts.

It also doesn’t include any quoted text from the email replies as far
as I can see. There should be some quoted text above.


When I go to

There are only 5 options in the Watched & Tracked menus

gtk, glib, python, vala & rust

No mention of evolution

Finally a mail from Discourse!
This one is plain text, ie “loose formatting” from Evo Mail.

The quoting seems a bit strange. This is text above your post, there
should be more below

Thanks Pete. I’ll watch this with interest, assuming I can get the

This is text referring to something aboce

email thing working.

And this is below.

Blockquote[quote=“PeteB, post:11, topic:11701, full:true”]
The quoting seems a bit strange. This is text above your post, there
should be more below

Thanks Pete. I’ll watch this with interest, assuming I can get the

This is text referring to something aboce

email thing working.

And this is below.

(Replying on the web since I haven’t yet received anything via email)

The leftmost icon in the reply box quotes the entire message being replied to. At least it has the decency to put the cursor at the end.

(Replying on the web since I haven’t yet received anything via email)

The leftmost icon in the reply box quotes the entire message being replied to. At least it has the decency to put the cursor at the end.

So why didn’t one of my email replies contain the text I had quoted. It stopped after the first line of text.

So why didn’t one of my email replies contain the text I had quoted. It stopped after the first line of text.

No idea. I also don’t know why some of the HTML (Markdown?) code was quoted literally when I quoted you.

Gettting this. I wonder how long one is considered a new user.

"We’re sorry, but your email message to [“86df5c0441ca635282d61c4309e6b300@discourse.gnome.org”] (titled Re: [Applications] A test topic so that the refugees from the Evolution mailing list can try and sort things out) didn’t work.

Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.
If you can correct the problem, please try again."

No idea. I also don’t know why some of the HTML (Markdown?) code was quoted literally when I quoted you.

But also the quoting seems to be really messed up on this message - I wonder if you/I deleted something in the “text” box on the left rather than using the formatted box to the right?

But anyway, the threading of posts is really strange - there’s two copies of each post and unthreaded one at the end and a threaded one under the post you reply to.

Du fÄr inte e-post ofta frÄn noreply@gnome.org. Se varför det hÀr Àr viktigt.
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| PeteBPete Biggs
October 21 |

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Hmm, not sure it likes plain text replies!

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.

Let’s try this again from Evo Mail.
No links (hopefully) and Don’t loose the formatting.

No random quote marks on this one.

My previous plain text reply seemed to have ghotten through okay as well.
Except for no previous quotes

This time I selected a block before hitting Reply, in the time-honoured manner. Let’s see what happens now.

As regards the threading, I’ll see what happens if and when I ever get this by email. I definitely enabled the option but haven’t received anything yet.

Kinda’ feels like you have to start new topics on Discourse itself?
Sounds weird though.

I dont see any obvious way how to initiate a new topic to here from Evo Mail.

Found this.
But am not sure I understand.
I need to find a special email address on the Applications category with my desired tag?