A test topic so that the refugees from the Evolution mailing list can try and sort things out

There are only 5 options in the Watched & Tracked menus
gtk, glib, python, vala & rust
No mention of evolution

You can just type it in - but I think the watched one is a scroll list.
The “Tracked” list doesn’t even recognise Evolution as a tag.

Also if you go into the tag list for Evolution

Topics tagged evolution

(must be careful, can’t post any more links :frowning: )

There’s a bell at the top right next to the “+New Topic” button. Click
on that so it’s blue with an exclamation mark in it - that is another
method of enabling notifications for the topic.


This is a reply using List Reply from Evolution. Not sure if that is then still needed and I can just reply to sender?
I have Evolution tag watched and EMail set up on the Discourse site.
I’ll have to change my ‘EVOLUTION’ search folder to pick up ‘Applications’.

How exciting, I got a badge for using an emoji.

That’s sarcasm for the non-English speakers. This is supposed to be a serious tool, not a teenage playground where you get rewarded for being purile. Here’s another one for you. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Did you complete the box ‘Include previous replies at the bottom of emails’ in the Email settings on Discourse?

I got a badge for using the Quoting button. Saints preserve us …

1 Like

I don’t think you can - the only email address is for the category, not a tag. Which is why Andrea Veri was talking about setting up automations behind the scene to automatically tag posts that contained certain words.

Aha, now I get it!

I don’t see any reply from Andrea about setting this up, unless I missed it in the suddenly highly traficked mailing list.

I can’t quote a post I’m replying to here in the web gui. Only see a reply button on your post.
I find this makes it difficult to track who said what in response to which specific post.

I also feel Discourse is getting clunkier and clunkier to use, the more I wander around here.

Finally got some posts via email (they seem to be batched), so using
Reply to List in Evo to see what happens.


The top left symbol of the reply editor - looks like a lasso, is supposed to be speech bubble - puts the quoted text in. But unless you want to fiddle around with the BBcode/HTML you can’t sensibly write in the middle of the quoted text. i.e. if you type in the middle of the quote /quote tags it looks like your text is part of the quote.

Thanks, there it is!
It’s well hidden, and not overly obvious…
As mentioned before, somewhat klunky - not impressed so far.

No need to, if Discourse sees the word evolution (case insensitive) it tags the topic accordingly, no need to worry around manual tagging yourself :slight_smile:


don’t use mailing list mode as it doesn’t behave the way you’d expect (you get notified about every single category unless you opt out / mute the categories you’re not interested in).

Please see Welcome to GIMP forum on GNOME Discourse and Welcome to Gnome discourse screen reader users to further read on how to properly configure your user profile / mail client.

Received by this refugee. John

How do I only get Evolution messages from Discourse? I seem to be getting unrelated topics. I set the ‘watch’ option
only on the evolution tag, and then set up the EMail options. Is there something I’ve missed?

How do I only get Evolution messages from Discourse? I seem to be getting unrelated topics. I set the ‘watch’ option
only on the evolution tag,

Do this.

and then set up the EMail options. Is there something I’ve missed?

It depends on what you mean by “set up the EMail options”. If you mean, you checked the “Mailing list mode” button in your “Emails” profile section, then don’t do that.

In my “Emails” section I have “Email me when I am sent a personal message” and “Email me when I am quoted,…” to “Always”, and disabled everything else in that section. I’m only getting Evolution-tagged emails.

The thing that really sucks is that there’s nothing in the email that allows me to filter it out locally into my local folders, like I did with the mailing list messages.

The thing that really sucks is that there’s nothing in the email that
allows me to filter it out locally into my local folders, like I did
with the mailing list messages.

Yes. The classifications are too granular to be really useful. To keep
the Discourse mails out of my mailbox I have sent up a filter on my
Exim server as:

$header_list-id: contains discourse.gnome.org
save Maildir/.GnomeDiscourse/

But what I would really like is if there is something in the mail which
lists the tags on the post.


OK - I did have "mailing list mode " set. But I don’t follow the other options. I don’t just want posts that in some way
mention me. What i want is a list of ALL the posts that are tagged “evolution” whether I’m mentioned or not. How do
those settings give that?

How can I reply to the list and the author of an article, directly from my mail reader without having to connect to Discourse Gnome with my internet browser.
Thanks !

To get email notifications you need to go into Preferences → Notifications → Tags and set the Watched tags to Evolution.
Alternatively when you select the Evolution tag there should be a bell in the top right corner, click on that and select “Watch” (or whatever the phrase is).

If you want to see just the posts with Evolution tags on the website, on the home page, click on “All Tags” and type in “Evolution” and select the tag that comes up.