Wider view of GNOME discourse content

Is there a way to view topic contents in a wider view on my screen (per user config). Something like wide-github extension I use for GitHub in firefox. This would be really helpful while reading lengthy preformatted text (e.g. <code> elements) without using horizontal scrolling or maximizing the snippet, as in this post.

Adding ?mobile_view=1 to the URL as mentioned here works for hacky solution. But, should we install any plugin in our GNOME Discourse instance to offer it as an option in Preferences ?

Discourse plugins are generally problematic, and tend to break updating the installation, especially because we’re not running Discourse using the “recommended” way on our infrastructure. They only recently added a way for plugins to declare which version of Discourse they depend on: before that, it was a complete free for all.


Discourse Full-width component looks official, though experimental.

Discourse Full-width component looks official, though experimental.

Pinging on meta.discourse elicited the following response.

it’s officially supported in that we’ll look at bugs that are reported, but it’s still experimental in the sense that it’s not something we expect to work well with all themes and theme components

Just a data point.

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