Why is my PopupMenu not focusable

I have just added functionality to show context menu to a ColumnView but in this case the PopupMenu is not focusable, so keyboard navigation continues on the underlying window.

Popover menu

  <menu id="plan-menu">
        <attribute name="label">Remove</attribute>
        <attribute name="action">plan.remove</attribute>
        <attribute name="label">View airport</attribute>
        <attribute name="action">plan.view</attribute>
        <attribute name="label">Show on map</attribute>
        <attribute name="action">plan.show_on_map</attribute>
        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Find airports near</attribute>
        <attribute name="action">plan.find_airports_near</attribute>
        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Find navaids near</attribute>
        <attribute name="action">plan.find_navaids_near</attribute>
        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Find fixes near</attribute>
        <attribute name="action">plan.find_fixes_near</attribute>
            let builder = Builder::from_resource("/com/shartrec/kelpie_planner/plan_popover.ui");
            let menu = builder.object::<MenuModel>("plan-menu");
            match menu {
                Some(popover) => {
                    let popover = PopoverMenu::builder()
                    let _ = self.popover.replace(Some(popover));
                None => error!(" Not a popover"),

            // Enable context menu key
            let ev_key = gtk::EventControllerKey::new();
            ev_key.connect_key_pressed(clone!(#[weak(rename_to = view)] self, #[upgrade_or] Propagation::Proceed,
                    move | _event, key_val, _key_code, modifier | {
                if key_val == Key::Menu && modifier == ModifierType::empty() {
                    if view.get_selected_location().is_some() {
                        // Need to get selected row x, y but that's not supported for ColumnViews
                        let rect = Rectangle::new(50, 1, 1, 1);
                        if let Some(popover) = view.popover.borrow().as_ref() {
                            // Add some debugging
                            let r = popover.grab_focus();
                            println!("Grab focus {:?}", r);     **// this prints false**
                            println!("Focusable {:?}", popover.is_focusable());  **// this prints false**
                } else {


I use the same technique elsewhere for other views and don’t have this problem.


Just to be sure: is the popover attached to a parent widget of the ColumnView ?

If not, there will definitely be focus tracking issues.

The popup was attached to the parent of the ColumnView, which is a ScrolledWindow, but changing the parent to be the ColumnView itself widget fixed the problem.

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