Why extensions for Gnome Desktop?


I have a question about the development of Gnome. In the early times of the development (I remember compatibility breaks in the 3.3X versions), and after, have there been any discussions on creating this possibility, maintaining or deleting it?

And where I can see theses debates?

Thanks for your response!

It’s not entirely clear to me what you’re asking about, could you elaborate a little?


I have a memory of a debate on this subject around the possibility of extensions in Gnome, especially with regard to stability. I would like to find the trace of these debates.I have been interested in the Gnome project for a few years and I would like to retrace a history of the development of Gnome, with the important choices that have appeared.

Maybe you are referring to the egregiously misrepresented GnomeShell4 wiki page?

If so, you should be aware this was never really a community discussion, so much as an extended “state of affairs” and perspective of one person. If not, I’m not sure what debates you are referring to.

Thanks for this reference !

I think I had in memory this article from Tobias Bernard : Community Power Part 4: The GNOME Way – Space and Meaning

And this part :
“Shell extensions are always going to be a niche thing. If you want to have real impact your time is better invested working on apps or GNOME Shell itself.”

But maybe some older debates exists…

2021 is not very long ago at all :slight_smile:

There are probably a lot of things to say about why extensions exist, why they have the (apparently arguable) popularity they do, and why developers have sometimes chosen to write extensions rather than applications.

I’m not aware of any extended, public debates about the topic though. There have been a lot of siloed discussions and opinions though, for sure.

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