What is the proper way to run event functions without freezing the main thread?

I’m new to GTK3 and I’m trying to learn about it :slight_smile:

I’m learning with Golang GTK3 wrapper gotk3…

I’ve learnt to connect event signals with callback functions. But one thing that I want to learn is what is the standard way to run a callback function without freezing the main thread?

The first and foremost rule of GTK programming is that everything related to GTK must happen in a single thread, which is the thread that initialised GTK and spins its main loop.

If you have a long running operation, you can use GTask, which will run a function in a thread and, once the function returns a value or an error, will invoke a callback in the thread that created the GTask instance. This, typically, means you create a task in response to an event or any other signal; run it; and then update the UI once the task terminates.

Another option, if your long running operation can be broken down into smaller chunks, is to install a source into the main loop, using functions like g_idle_add(), or g_timeout_add(). This is generally useful if you have a list of things to iterate over, and each iteration is short enough to be executed within the allotted time for a frame—e.g. 16.67msec for a 60 Hz cycle—and you want to update the UI every time you performed an iteration.

Libraries in the GNOME platform typically have asynchronous API for common things like operating on files; IPC; or network operations.


Thank You. This was very helpful :smile:

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