What is the best/proper order to translate Gimp modules?

Hi all,
What is the proper order to translate Gimp?
There are 12 modules currently:

  • gegl
  • gimp • UI translations
  • gimp • Windows installer
  • gimp • libgimp
  • gimp • plug-ins
  • gimp • python
  • gimp • script-fu
  • gimp • tags
  • gimp • tips
  • gimp-gap
  • gimp-help — GIMP User Manual
  • gimp-tiny-fu

I am currently on my way to get gimp • UI translations to 100%. Which modules should I tackle next? I am targetting Gimp 3.0, thus getting 2.x to 100% is much lower priority. Which modules are more popular, more widely available, more user facing?

Kind regards:

So basically according to you:

  • gimp-help should be last is ever
  • gegl penultimate
  • gimp-gap - skip
  • rest - start from fewest to top

This gives:

  1. tags
  2. tips
  3. Windows installer
  4. python
  5. script-fu
  6. libgimp
  7. tiny-fu
  8. plug-ins
  9. gegl

Is this what you mean?

So basically according to you:
gimp-help should be last is ever

gegl penultimate
gimp-gap - skip

rest - start from fewest to top

This gives:

  1. tags

  2. tips

  3. Windows installer

  4. python

  5. script-fu

  6. libgimp

  7. tiny-fu

  8. plug-ins

  9. gegl

Is this what you mean?
Kind regards:

На вт, 31.01.2023 г. в 11:36 ч. Sabri Unal via GNOME Discourse <noreply@gnome.org> написа:

Hi @al_shopov !

There is no definite and unique answer to your questions. Well the obviously near abandoned modules are of course probably to handle last (if at all?). Like indeed gimp-gap has not been maintained at all for a few years, if not mistaken. I think that gimp-tiny-fu is not much maintained as well (though maybe slightly more than gimp-gap?).

Apart from these modules, the rest are all important:

  • gegl: most our filters use GEGL, so its translation is very important (though indeed, as @libreajans said, some strings are not used in GIMP, but it’s still an important project and translating it all is important).
  • gimp • UI translations: this is one of the major module.
  • gimp • Windows installer: as the name says, it’s strings for the Windows installer. It’s important too, though it’s only impacting this one platform.
  • gimp • libgimp: used by a lot of official plug-ins, so these strings are important too.
  • gimp • plug-ins: translations of all our C plug-ins (most our plug-ins are C).
  • gimp • python: used specifically by Python plug-ins.
  • gimp • script-fu: used specifically by Script-fu script. Note that for random users, they don’t see a difference between C, Python or script-fu plug-ins (these all appear the same in GIMP). So these are equally important.
  • gimp • tags: eventually I think we should review our tag system anyway, but well… right now it’s what it is, it’s used and this module is so small anyway that you may as well translate it.
  • gimp • tips: I actually wonder the percentage of people reading GIMP tips (real question: maybe there are a lot, who knows?) and also if our tips are not outdated (nobody updated them in years).
  • gimp-help: the documentation, which is its own thing and can be found online here: https://docs.gimp.org/ (or here for the master branch for upcoming GIMP 3.0: https://testing.docs.gimp.org/). It’s obviously a whole other level with a lot more text, yet it’s also very important because we want good quality documentation for the software. Is it more important to translate the software first or the documentation first? Honestly I don’t know, or rather I don’t really think this can be compared. Both are equally important in my opinion. Maybe rather than thinking in term of module order, you can also think in term of feature. E.g. you could want to translate all strings related to a specific tool in GIMP itself, GEGL (if relevant), libgimp, the documentation… So more a transversal translation workflow across all modules. I don’t know, just a random idea.

In the end, I don’t really answer your question but it’s mostly because I don’t think there is much to answer. Any improvement in the translation, in any module (except the nearly-abandoned ones), is improving GIMP in the end.

P.S.: I did receive your email too, but I prefer to answer here. Also I prefer not to answer to private messages and warn other contributors against falling in such trap (i.e. getting drown in doing private support). Contacting us here is fine. Many developers are reading this forum, as well as well known translators (such as @libreajans, who does a lot of translations). Their answer is worth as much as mine on such topic IMO.

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Hi @Jehan,
Thanx for answering in this forum. I get the meaning of any translation is helpful. One can rephrase my question in a following way: Given earnest wish to translate as much as possible, which order of translation will make most people aware that Gimp’s interface has indeed been translated.

Given your answer and the info by @libreajans I will go with the following order:

  • Gimp UI - 1st, hope to finish 1st version this month
  • tags, tips, windows installer, python, scrtipt-fu, libgimp, plugins, gegl
  • gap , tiny-fu (think again after finishing all above)

A separate discussion:

  • help

Thanx for the info.

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