Using the UI to allow RDP connections

Server test:

One the machine running the RDP server, run the following command in console (after enabling Remote login in Settings).

$ netstat -an --program | grep gnome-remote

This should show something like below:

tcp6  0  0 :::3389  :::*   LISTEN  136861/gnome-remote 

meaning that the gnome-remote-desktop-daemon is running and listening for connections on port 3389 (RDP port).

Client <—> Server connection test:

Next you can test the connection between the client and the machine running the RDP server using telnet as below:

If there are no connection issues, you should see the following:

$ telnet <server-ip> 3389
Trying <server-ip>...
Connected to <server-ip>.
Escape character is '^]'.

If there is connection issue (server firewall blocking connections), you’ll see the following:

$ telnet <server-ip> 3389
Trying <server-ip>...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

FWIW, this is probably the default firewalld (enabled by default in Fedora) blocking connections to the server.