Using gnome for OAuth2 for CUPS printing

Hii all,
I am Shivam Sharma, working as software developer at cognizant. This year I am contributing for OpenPrinting organization this Google Summer Of Code (GSOC). OpenPrinting provides printer support to the linux operating system and there’s no as such authentication support as of now. So to keep clients data safe I have to add authentication support to it.
Now the main question is that which authentication server can we use so that we can add OAuth support to it to make client data safe.
Is it possible to use GNOME as an authentication server? Will GNOME sends token to the client for verification or I can use it only for clients sign in or sign up?

I will appreciate your time for helping me out with this.

Is it possible to use GNOME as an authentication server? Will GNOME sends token to the client for verification or I can use it only for clients sign in or sign up?

Hi, GNOME is an operating system desktop environment. i.e. GNOME is the client, not an authentication server. So I don’t really understand your question at all, but is it possible that you’re understanding the problem backwards?

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