Is it possible to install it with gnome-boxes from .deb package?
p.s. trying to install it, got “no bootable option or device was found” in bios like output. Googling hasn’t yielded any working workarounds.
Is it possible to install it with gnome-boxes from .deb package?
p.s. trying to install it, got “no bootable option or device was found” in bios like output. Googling hasn’t yielded any working workarounds.
Download the ‘installer image’ from above, you can install that in GNOME Boxes from Flathub.
Thank you for suggestion
Does it mean it’s installable only with flatpak environment?
Just for now I don’t have enough disk space to try flatpak, so that it’s asked about gnome-boxes from deb package
Can anyone have any idea why this is the case i have tried with .rpm or .deb of gnome box but never able to boot gnome os which looks like fedora silverblue where as the flatpak version can run it.
But fedora silverblue can be booted with .rpm or .deb packages of gnome box.
IDK why but that is what is says in bold print for Boxes on
Only works in Boxes from Flathub.
As an option already installed Gnomeos46beta in VirtualBox
Comparing it with Gnome-boxes .deb version:
It allows boot without enabling secure boot option there and load it without getting systemd-smth.efi “Access denied”
If I got it correctly it’s mentioned here
The reason why GNOME OS work only with “Boxes from Flathub” is cause we only support UEFI firmware and most distribution packages of boxes, including in Fedora, have issues with it as virtualization in general is a complicated stack.
However with Boxes from Flathub we control exactly how the application is built and functions and can assure that GNOME OS will work and function as we expect.
The bug is and a fixed package is awaiting upload in Debian.
Or so I guess this is the same issue (ie gnome boxes from distribution requiring secure boot for uefi boot while gnome is nightly not being signed).
ie gnome boxes from distribution requiring secure boot for uefi boot while gnome is nightly not being signed
Looks like that concluding from loading it in virtualbox successfully.
p.s. unfortunately there’s no development tools there (at least I’ve not found how to install them)
@yvs2014 the fixed gnome-boxes has reached testing and unstable since then. I have not tested yet (45.0-3) but should work.
If you are on stable installing testing gnome-boxes might bring dependencies too, but I did not see many differences between gnome-boxes dependencies from Debian bookworm and Debian testing (maybe libglib).
@yvs2014 Can you confirm that your issue is fixed with Debian gnome-boxes 45.0-3 Deb?
In case it might be another issue.
It could help as as far as I tested gone boxes flatpak does not enable secure boot for the VM.
That .iso was successfully installed in Virtualbox instead of Gnome-box, so can’t say anything about Gnome-boxes right now, but I’ll try it in some time on Debian, and let you know
You need to switch to the -devel
@prahal yes, it’s installable with Debian-testing Gnome-boxes 45.0-3 package
p.s. looks like “secure-boot” is just ignored there in 45.0-3 (maybe better to be optional), but it’s installable now
@alatiera thanks, development tools are present there after switching to devel branch
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