UI design goals (top panel, hot corner)


Is there any UI plan for top panel? I saw some design plans in the past about what GNOME Shell will do, but not about panel if I remember.
I mean, now GS removed app menu (even if someone did get it back with an extension ^_^'), ok why not. But nothing replaced this. So The top panel is now wasting a lot of void place.

Second point, toggling overview at top left with hot corner is IMO not adapted, now that the dash is at bottom (there are some extensions about this too ^_^). Is there a plan here to make a classical mouse to be used in a good way? Three fingers gesture is of course very convenient but not with a mouse…

If you have enough workspaces open, the activities indicator will take up that space.

Yes with roughly 25 or 30 workspaces. :slight_smile:

It wouldn’t take nearly as many before it would look unbalanced. Just because the space is there doesn’t mean that something should be there just for the sake of it.

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