i want to turn images into text with gimp to display them in python.
thank’s you for your help
What do you mean by “Turn images into text”? Is this OCR? Or do you want to cut an image to make them assume the shape of some text?
You can export as .xhtml or .txt if you want your image converted to actual text (e.g. ASCII Art).
no, this is converting a png file to txt
when i export i have this message when i do .txt at my file
“The given filename does not’a have any known extensions. Enter a known extension or select a file format from the list of file formats.”
If you expand the “Select File Type” option at the bottom of the Export Window, do you have an option for “ASCII Art”? If so, select that. If not, what version of GIMP are you using and what’s your OS?
I don’t have option “ASCII art”, my version is 2.10 and OS is Windows 11 family
Ah, I see. Perhaps we don’t include that plug-in in the 2.10 builds for Windows.
It’s available in 2.99.18 (GIMP - Development Downloads), though you’ll likely have to redo your Python scripts for Python 3.
thanks for your help
For Windows? That’s odd - I downloaded it from the site and didn’t see it. Oh well, glad it works for you at least!
Oh… Ok, sorry I did miss the “builds for Windows.”.