I’m using Adwaita theme with GtkTextView, where want to apply background onto the child Widget only (Label in my case), but the gutter has it own color, that hides by itself some part of content in TextView.
Found some tips here but can I turn it off without CSS, like properties?
Hmm… is it a standard GtkTextView, or a GtkSourceView?
(if you use the libspelling for spellchecking, it’s probably the latter one)
The GtkSourceView applies some extra theming on top of the CSS, that must first be disabled by calling GtkSource.Buffer.set_style_scheme with scheme=NULL.
If GtkTextView only, try removing the parents background too:
But thanks for a tip, maybe that’s because ClampScrollable delegates some styles there.
Maybe it’s also GTK renderer specifics, when I expect something similar in CSS behavior to HTML I have also tried to change halign properties, but no success. Did you tested your solution? Maybe it’s local issue (Fedora 41)