Continuing the discussion from Corrections on Tracker's FAQ:
Is there a simple TinySPARQL’s FAQ somewhere?
Has the faq.md
file been moved, or has it been completely removed?
Continuing the discussion from Corrections on Tracker's FAQ:
Is there a simple TinySPARQL’s FAQ somewhere?
Has the faq.md
file been moved, or has it been completely removed?
I honestly have got a bit lost about docs for search in GNOME – my volunteer time has been spent on QA stuff recently so my contributions around search are minimal at best.
TinySPARQL is a database library, i don’t think it ever had its own FAQ. All the docs we have for that are accessible via https://tinysparql.org.
In the old days of “Tracker” and “Tracker Miners”, we didn’t have such a clear separation between the database code and the filesystem indexer. At one point in 2020 or so I made a “Tracker website”, which lived in tracker.git (now tinysparql.git) and did have an FAQ. None of the content was relevant to the database library, though – it was all about the filesystem indexer and about desktop search in GNOME.
I’m not sure what happened to that FAQ – the “Tracker website” that I set up was later replaced by https://tracker.gnome.org/, which confusingly is now a website about TinySPARQL. I’m not sure how that happened or what we should do with https://tracker.gnome.org – do you have any ideas? (I do know that the website repo for tracker.gnome.org is here, at least).
The project has some open issues related this as well:
Finally, the old FAQ can be found in the tinysparql.git history around the 3.3.0 tag:
Paging @carlosg and @jimmac who might be able to give you more of a useful update
Thank you @Thomas_DC, I appreciate your interest in TinySPARQL.
Your contributions caught us in a bit of a transitional period wrt documentation and websites for TinySPARQL and LocalSearch. As @sthursfield explained, the previous site was somewhat centered on the indexer bits and not so much on the library.
Currently, both projects do generate only documentation through GitLab pages:
Next up in the roadmap would be:
Since this shuffling started, we’ve been unclear on what to do with the tracker.gnome.org site. It could be repurposed to become the recipient for either TinySPARQL or LocalSearch user-facing site, but so far we’ve pushed it forward with no clear plan yet. We certainly won’t waste the fine art from @jimmac. As for the tracker.
subdomain itself, we should probably move away from it.
Forgot to mention, I once wrote README: Highlight the possible advantages to using TinySPARQL (!713) · Merge requests · GNOME / TinySPARQL · GitLab as a content braindump for a possible tinysparql website. It would be nice if the website was fluffier than a wall of text, though.
I’d like to make clear I’m open to killing darlings. It is way more important to keep clarity than preserve some pixel art. Dropping tracker.gnome.org is a perfectly valid way forward. Having irrelevant/confusing bits of info is bad, even if it wears a nice lipstick.