Anyway, in my main balsa window there used to be two fields after the “Mailbox” field on the left. Between that and the part that displays messages. They were labeled “U” and “T” at the top. I’ve never figured out how to control the width of these fields properly. You can kind of control them by grabbing between the fields and moving them back and forth.
Now the “U” field is completely gone and no matter how much I move the others back and forth, I can’t seem to get it back.
What I would really like to know is if there’s something in the configuration (either in the GUI or a file I can edit) that will explicitly set the width of these fields (and hopefully the default width of of all the parts of the main window). Hopefully without recompiling Balsa.
I hope that made sense. I really don’t know what the right terminology is for these things. Sorry!
The columns are for "U"nread and "T"otal unmber of messages in the mailbox. I believe they are shown if you check “Show message counts in mailbox list” in Balsa Preferences. It appears the widths of the columns (including mailbox name) are within ~/.balsa/config in the [Geometry] section, as MailboxListNameWidth, MailboxListNewMsgWidth, and MailboxListTotalMsgWidth.
After making my U column 0 width, I was also unable to restore it - but after unchecking and then rechecking the Show message counts checkbox, I was then able to restore it by grabbing the line between the U and T columns.
OK, well that was very helpful. Unchecking and checking didn’t help. But by playing with those config values and moving things back and forth, I was able to get the display back to where it should be.
It looks like Balsa writes out its current idea of the config values when it exits. Maybe that’s how I got fouled up. When things were messed up I tried restarting it