The key-press-event handler doesn't receive the EventKey object


I am listening for the key-press-event signal. The callback gets called but unfortunately the EventKey object is empty. I have no way of telling which key has been pressed. I have something like:

const win = new Gtk.Window({
  defaultWidth: 450,
  defaultHeight: 600,
  title: "Hello World",

win.connect("key-press-event", function(widget, event){
  console.log(win === widget); // true
  console.log(event);  // {}
  console.log(event.keyval);  // undefined

Unfortunately the documentation doesn’t explain how to use these signals.

In GTK3, the key-press-event signal emits a Gdk.Event, which is a union of types. Unions are a bit tricky in GJS; in this case you’ll probably just want use the accessors like Gdk.Event.get_keyval():

const win = new Gtk.Window({
  defaultWidth: 450,
  defaultHeight: 600,
  title: "Hello World",

win.connect("key-press-event", function(widget, event) {
  log(event instanceof Gdk.Event);                         // true
  log(event.get_event_type() === Gdk.EventType.KEY_PRESS); // true
  // We know this is a key press event, so elide the boolean
  const [, keyval] = event.get_keyval();

Thanks. This is really useful. I wish we could have this info somewhere in the

Information about GObject usage like this in GJS can be found on, which is scraped from the GJS repository. At this point GTK3 is probably a little old to expect many tutorials to be written for it.

That being said, is a community-driven site, so you are welcome to contribute what you learn about key-press events here.

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