The difference between TextWindowType::Text and TextWindowType::Widget

Can’t understand from documentation the difference.

I’m using following construction to detect TextTag location for links in TextBuffer

    move |_, _, window_x, window_y| {
        let (buffer_x, buffer_y) = text_view.window_to_buffer_coords(
            window_x as i32,
            window_y as i32,

        if let Some(iter) = text_view.iter_at_location(buffer_x, buffer_y) {
            for tag in iter.tags() {
            // ..

Both variants are working, which one is better to choose in this case?


GtkTextView have the possibility to add left/right/top/bottom “TextWindows” (typically a left one to display line numbers), that will shift and reduce the actual main text area (the GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT one).

If you don’t use any left or top textwindow, then there will be no shift of the coordinates origins, so window_to_buffer_coords() on GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT and GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET will return the same buffer position.

In general, if you receive the (x,y) coordinates from a Gesture attached to the GtkTextView widget, then you should use GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET to be safe.

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