hi everyone!
I want to try out tags in tracker3.
As far as I was able to figure out from the command line, they either don’t seem to be working, or I’m missing something.
Can anyone help with this?
A little bit of background information: I am running tracker3 inside a docker container on fedora:34. I have installed tracker as per the instructions here: GNOME / TinySPARQL · GitLab (tl;dr, I used a dockerfile like this
FROM fedora:34
RUN dnf install -y gcc-c++
RUN dnf install -y meson ninja-build
RUN dnf install -y git
WORKDIR /gnome-tracker
RUN git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker.git
RUN git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker-miners.git
RUN mkdir tracker-miners/subprojects
RUN ln -s ../../tracker tracker-miners/subprojects/
WORKDIR /gnome-tracker/tracker-miners
RUN dnf install -y 'dnf-command(builddep)'
# This step installs tracker3 and the miners.
# I didn't expect this initially, I thought that this was just
# needed in order to be able to compile, but it installs
# everything as far as I can tell
RUN dnf build-dep -y tracker-miners
FYI, this version of tracker is affected:
$ dnf list installed |grep -i tracker
libtracker-sparql.x86_64 3.1.1-2.fc34 @fedora
tracker.x86_64 3.1.1-2.fc34 @fedora
tracker-devel.x86_64 3.1.1-2.fc34 @fedora
tracker-miners.x86_64 3.1.1-1.fc34 @fedora
Then I also compiled tracker inside the same docker container, and I was able to reproduce the same results with run-uninstalled -- tracker3 ...
commands. I used the commit with hash 8c670d1ddb92694ab30fb5db7982ccb0fd3bd71e
So now what I did:
First, to show that indexing and searching work:
$ tracker3 daemon --follow
30 Jun 2021, 19:09:25: ✗ RSS/ATOM Feeds - Not running or is a disabled plugin
30 Jun 2021, 19:09:25: ✓ File System - Idle
I tried to see if files were being indexed:
$ tracker3 search -d emin
Mihai Eminescu was the original…
…so stuff was being indexed - absolutely awesome!
but then trying to tag
$ tracker3 tag --add=petre file:///root/document_about_a_romanian_poet.txt
Tag was added successfully
Tagged: file:///root/document_about_a_romanian_poet.txt
…and searching for a tag fails
$ tracker3 tag --list
Tags (shown by name):
Does anyone know what buttons I need to push to get this thing working? I’d eventually want to write a c program which does this automatically, but first I want to try it out from the command line - if this is at all relevant.
Thanks a lot, tbh I don’t know you guys, but that can’t be enough of an excuse not to think you’re awesome!
(This message was first posted on the IRC channel https://app.element.io/#/room/#tracker:gnome.org yesterday. I realised however that this might be a better place to post this question)