"Switch windows of an application" is bound to both Super+` & Alt+`

Hi everyone,

I’m a bit confused about the “Switch windows of an application” keyboard shortcut setting. Help would be appreciated.

OS: Fedora Linux 41 Workstation Edition
GNOME version: 47
Windowing System: wayland

Based on the below screenshot of keyboard shortcut settings, in which “Switch windows of an application” is set to Super+`, I would expect only the shortcut Super+` to switch windows of an application.

However, Alt+` exhibits the same behavior. Is this due to a separate setting that I haven’t found? I’d like to disable the Alt version of the shortcut so I can use a capitalization feature of the Helix editor with that editor’s default shortcut, which happens to be Alt+`.

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That shortcut is bound to both keys, but Settings is unable to show that.

$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-group
['<Super>Above_Tab', '<Alt>Above_Tab']

I was going to say that there’s a workaround to clear it where you set an arbitrary shortcut to Alt+` and Settings would offer to remove the existing binding, but that doesn’t seem to work for that specific binding (a bug!). Setting Super+` does work though, and it clears both bindings. You can then clear that shortcut and set “Switch windows of an application” back to Super+` (if you want). As long as you do that explicitly and don’t use the reset button, the Alt binding won’t come back.

Tiens, je viens de te faire une vidéo pour t’expliquer ça:

Based on your instructions, I was able to resolve the issue with:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-group "['<Super>Above_Tab']"

I may have an inkling about why setting an arbitrary shortcut to Alt+` doesn’t work; the resulting setting is [<Alt>grave], not [<Alt>Above_Tab]. They’re equivalent on my keyboard (and probably yours), but it’s technically a different value.

Yes, that was my thought as well. Settings does have special code to handle this, but it’s only working for the Super binding. By contrast, both <Super>Tab and <Alt>Tab are recognized in conflicts.