I’m using Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS as shown below:
werner@X10DAi:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
Now, I try to switch from the “Wayland” display server to Xorg (X11) with the following steps:
$ sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
# Uncomment the line below to force the login screen to use Xorg
Restart gdm3:
$ sudo systemctl restart gdm3
But the above method will finally give me a very poor color contrast for desktop and login background display, as shown below:
See here for the related discussion.
How to solve this problem?
(Sebastian Keller)
July 21, 2023, 8:48am
On X11 the color profile provided by the monitor gets applied automatically and it looks like the profile provided by your monitor is far too green. On Wayland there is no support for these color profiles yet, so you were not seeing the issue there. You can try disabling the color profile for that monitor in the color settings.
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Thank you very much. It does the trick by disabling the profile, as shown below:
werner@X10DAi:~$ grep -i way /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
werner@X10DAi:~$ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE
P.S.: The above method doesn’t fix the login screen color setting, instead, using the following profile does the trick:
See here for the command based method to do the trick. Here are some usage examples:
werner@X10DAi:~$ colormgr get-devices | grep Type | awk '{print $NF}' |xargs -I{} colormgr get-devices-by-kind {}
werner@X10DAi:~$ colormgr get-devices-by-kind display | egrep 'Object Path:|Device ID:' | cut -d' ' -f3- |sed 's/^[ ]*//' | xargs -I{} colormgr device-get-default-profile "{}" | grep 'Profile ID'
Profile ID: icc-35ae3435119b8a10eaf73839628be96a
Profile ID: icc-35ae3435119b8a10eaf73839628be96a
werner@X10DAi:~$ colormgr get-devices-by-kind display | grep -E 'Object Path:|Device ID:'
Object Path: /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/xrandr_Dell_Inc__DELL_S2721HS_3ZQMZ13_werner_1000
Device ID: xrandr-Dell Inc.-DELL S2721HS-3ZQMZ13
werner@X10DAi:~$ colormgr get-devices-by-kind display | grep -E 'Object Path:|Device ID:' | cut -d' ' -f3- |sed 's/^[ ]*//' | xargs -I{} echo colormgr device-make-profile-default \"{}\" icc-35ae3435119b8a10eaf73839628be96a
colormgr device-make-profile-default "/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/xrandr_Dell_Inc__DELL_S2721HS_3ZQMZ13_werner_1000" icc-35ae3435119b8a10eaf73839628be96a
colormgr device-make-profile-default "xrandr-Dell Inc.-DELL S2721HS-3ZQMZ13" icc-35ae3435119b8a10eaf73839628be96a
werner@X10DAi:~$ colormgr get-devices-by-kind display | grep -E 'Object Path:|Device ID:' | cut -d' ' -f3- |sed 's/^[ ]*//' | xargs -I{} echo colormgr device-make-profile-default \"{}\" icc-35ae3435119b8a10eaf73839628be96a |bash
September 4, 2023, 9:17am
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