Static analysis and/or SARIF support in Builder

Has anyone looked at support for static analysis tools in Builder?

In particular does Builder have any way of capturing SARIF data from analyzers and working with it? (e.g. visualizing predicted execution paths through the code, data about whether the warning is new or has been seen before, CWE metadata, etc).

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FWIW I’m the maintainer of GCC’s static analyzer, of GCC’s diagnostics subsystem and, of GCC’s SARIF output; I’m also on the SARIF standard committee (and was involved in GNOME many years ago)

The C++ community is looking at using SARIF for capturing diagnostic information in machine-readable form. See e.g. P3358R0
SARIF for Structured Diagnostics
and this github issue against the SARIF spec for a proposal to use SARIF to improve the user experience of diagnostics with C++ templates.

FWIW, MSVC (the compiler) and VSCode (the IDE) have an implementation of this.

I’ve been experimenting with implementing support for it from the GCC side. (does Builder work with C++ projects?)

I’ve also been experimenting with reporting of GCC diagnostics via JSON-RPC

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