Spanish Translation team automated topics

It appears that automated messages are being created by the Spanish Team lately. I’m referring to these topics.

  1. What exactly are these topics?

  2. Can the topics be kept private to Spanish Translation Team?

  3. Why we’re receiving messages only from Spanish Team, and not other translation teams?

  1. These are notifications from Damned Lies, the GNOME translation platform, that happens on actions like reserved for translation, uploaded translation, commented, etc. These are e-mail notifications and someone from the Spanish language team configured to mail the Discourse with that tags. There used to be mailing list instance, but it was decommissioned. I’m assuming they chose this alternative.

  2. I don’t know.

  3. This was configured by the Spanish team, and not by other teams

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I don’t think Discourse is the right place for forwarding automated messages. Forwarding it to a Matrix room (e.g.) would be more appropriate. I’ve noticed few GNOME projects do this (e.g. for new issues, commits etc).

:wave: i18n coordinator here.

Aren’t they? Do you get notifications for them or something? They are in Spanish so they should be out of your sight unless you’re in the target audience and looking at that category.

Because they needed a successor to their mailing list when they got decommissioned and we set this up at that time. I expect other teams to make the same switch in the long run, including mine (French) as our list host has shown unreliable.

No. These are not just notifications. These are supposed to be conversation starts. Not all Damned Lies activity is sent to Discourse (or a mailing list). Damned Lies has a checkbox for it, and translation team members are meant to check the box if they need to draw attention from the team to the workflow at hand. Think “hey folks, what do you think of thisword to translate thatword?” or “while translating this module, I noticed we are not consistent across modules in the way we translate thatword, let’s decide on a translation and fix this”. And, from experience, these conversations usually span a long time and are asynchronous. That’s fundamentally different from what notifications to a chat room are used for.

Of course, I can see that many of the current messages are “Sin comentarios”, which defeats the purpose. That means that we need to talk to the team so they make a better use of it, not that we should kick them out.

Now, I have a question for you: how come you are so keen on getting rid of this? You seem to have decided it was wrong from the get go, without even having all the information about it yet.

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IIUC, it comes on the general topic list for all users.

If these topics can be limited to the intended audience, it would be great.

In the meantime, one can mute topics from any category / subcategory / tag from the category page.

Selecting 'Muted' below should mute all topics in 'International' category:

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