Some questions about using ListStore And ListView

I have created a launcher using GTK4 and Rust.

Here are some previews (including a dictionary and an app launcher), and now it also supports a calculator, clipboard, and window switcher for Hyprland. However, I have a few questions regarding the proper usage of ListView and ListStore.

Since I have multiple plugins, any input sequence would generate results from them and combine them into a new hybrid list. I'm wondering what is the best approach to handle this situation. Currently, I clear the ListStore and add the results to the same ListStore. Should I use a new ListStore to replace the old one?

Do I need to manage memory manually with ListStore or ListView? I made modifications to the ["list_view_apps_launcher"]( file as shown in this [pastebin link](


    let model = model.clone();
    let mut count = 0;
    glib::idle_add_local(move || {
        if count == 100 {
            model.remove_all();  // to remove all items
            count = 0;
        } else {
            gio::AppInfo::all().iter().for_each(|app_info| {

        println!("{} -- {}", count, statm_self().unwrap().resident); // to print the memory use in pages.


Even after clearing the memory each time, I notice that the memory usage continues to increase. How can I avoid this issue?

cargo run --bin list_view_apps_launcher | grep ^0

0 -- 55582
0 -- 58395
0 -- 59014
0 -- 59760
0 -- 60873
0 -- 61923
0 -- 62500
0 -- 64623
0 -- 64197
0 -- 64927
0 -- 64915
0 -- 65899
0 -- 67062
0 -- 66587
0 -- 66587

Thank you in advance.

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