Some news for gedit

I wanted to give an update on the latest developments.

First, I’m still available as a maintainer for gedit, as time and energy allows.

New small website

In order to migrate out of the GNOME wiki (context: retirement: feedback wanted ), I’ve made a small website:

(we should still make newer screenshots, that’s on the todo list :wink: )

New small library in development: libgedit-gfls (file loading and saving)

It’s me who added the file loading and saving API to GtkSourceView in 2014. It was based on the gedit implementation, but with a new interface leveraging GTask (with async()/finish() functions). At the time, I didn’t look much at the internals though.

Now with libgedit-gfls I’m reworking the internals (the “plumbing”). It can be seen as the version 2 of my work on the subject.

It’s still very early in its development. I’ve written notes in the git repo, for those who are interested.

What’s coming up in gedit 47

(yes the gedit versions are released at a difference cadence than GNOME now).

The best is to read the top of the NEWS file.

The good news is that there will be the light/dark GTK theme variant configuration, the first step is done. (there is still a bit of work to do for having two GSettings keys for the color/style schemes, and presenting that in the preferences dialog).


That’s it, thanks for reading! Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.


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