i’m somehow struggling with gtkmm-4.0 about shortcuts and menu accellators. I would welcome any link to read forward or piece of example if possible. i have menu that is dinamically created for that i created sub object for menues. In some part i have subitems call same action but with different additional parameter value. now i would like for each menu-item to create shortcut and to show on menu the accellarator that user specifies. further is term shortcut app or win based and accellator menu based?
in eclipse i most of the time don’t get methods for object for autocomplition so its bit difficult and slow to do research. even if i create shortcut to be visible in menu i would be happy.
i use
Glib::Variant<std::string> val = Glib::Variant<std::string>(g_variant_new_string(additional.c_str()));