
Clicking on a product listing in lands in the following login page, which is confusing.


Some background on this in the twig post #176 Command History.

@zana: It’s not clear from the post what is the exact issue which needs troubleshooting though.

Is landing in the login page explained above the issue ? Providing more details would help.

We’ve locked the shop behind that because the backend doesn’t work. Bart has spent some time with me on it and we’ve established that woocommerce and our shop provider currently does not interact well with each other. I’ve had to manually enter the orders that came in before we locked the site. At this point in time, we do not foresee reopening the shop in its current form.

Thanks for looking into this!

Thanks for the clarification!

At this point in time, we do not foresee reopening the shop in its current form.

In which case, we should probably disable domain till this is sorted.