In this GIF you can see that when navigation using keyboard, it’s selecting box before and button next. How to force it to select the button not box.
This object, as the others, is placed in Gtk.FlowBox
using Gtk 4.0;
using Adw 1;
template $SongCard: Box {
orientation: vertical;
halign: center;
valign: start;
styles [
Adw.Clamp {
maximum-size: 160;
unit: px;
Overlay {
Revealer buttons_revealer {
transition-type: slide_down;
valign: start;
halign: center;
transition-duration: 100;
Box {
orientation: horizontal;
margin-top: 8;
spacing: 6;
Button play_button {
icon-name: "play-button-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Sync");
styles [
Button metadata_editor_button {
icon-name: "edit-metadata-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Edit song metadata");
styles [
Button cover_button {
name: "cover_button";
overflow: hidden;
accessibility {
labelled-by: title_label;
Box {
orientation: vertical;
Image cover {
name: "cover";
width-request: 160;
height-request: 160;
hexpand: true;
vexpand: true;
overflow: hidden;
icon-name: "note-placeholder";
pixel-size: 160;
styles ["rounded"]
Label title_label {
label: _("Title");
ellipsize: end;
hexpand: true;
halign: start;
margin-top: 4;
margin-start: 8;
margin-end: 8;
use-markup: false;
styles [
Label artist_label {
label: _("Artist");
ellipsize: end;
hexpand: true;
halign: start;
margin-bottom: 4;
margin-start: 8;
margin-end: 8;
use-markup: false;
styles [