Selectable title and description for StatusPage

Is it possible to simply make title and description selectable for libadwaita StatusPage widget?

I can use custom widget with Label configured, but maybe some option available I forgot to set

Here is what do I mean:

    .description(description) // not selectable
    .title(title) // not selectable

Builder implementation (accept GString, not Widget):

impl StatusPageBuilder {
    // ..

    pub fn child(self, child: &impl IsA<gtk::Widget>) -> Self {
        Self {
            builder:"child", child.clone().upcast()),
    } // could be useful, if no alternatives for native title/description

    pub fn description(self, description: impl Into<glib::GString>) -> Self {
        Self {
            builder:"description", description.into()),
    } // GString

    // ..

I think that selectable option should be implemented once, because users can’t copy error message from AdwStatusPage (as it maybe created for these needs)

Currently, don’t know any other option but downcast and hope the widget tree will not be changed once; this code looks like something I not ready to apply:

fn selectable(this: adw::StatusPage) -> adw::StatusPage {

Another thought,
implement ‘copy-to-clipboard’ button as the child widget

UPD I can just set selectable Label as the children widget, finally :slight_smile:

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