Real-time scheduling of threads in a Gtk application


I’m interested in making my multithreaded application use SCHED_RR to make my application run as real-time as possible (using recommendations mentioned in I was wondering what is the maximum priority that I can use for my threads so that I don’t block normal Gtk or Glib functionality in any way.

Any advice or recommendation is appreciated

Edit: The main problem I’m having is that my program receives a boolean data from USB every 4ms. I have to display a green or red box based on the received data being true/false respectively. Since my monitor is 60Hz, I cannot display it without data being buffered over time and I have to use a mechanism such as averaging last 20 read values and then displaying it. If there’s a change, I’m planning to display yellow. If all 20 read are false, then red. If all are true, then, green. I’m just trying to lower that ‘last 20 read’ threshold.

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