Proposal to Implement Support for Animated AVIF Images in GIMP

I would like to suggest the addition of support for AVIF animated images within GIMP. Currently, it appears that gimp-console-2.10 does not facilitate the conversion of other animated formats to AVIF, nor does it support the proper import of AVIF animations.
Additionally, while converting images to the AVIF format, I have noticed that the only option available is “near-lossless” rather than “lossless.” Could you please clarify why this is the case? Furthermore, I would appreciate guidance on how to convert images to the AVIF format in a truly lossless manner. Thank you for considering this request.
I look forward to your response.

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IVF file format support (was: Animated AVIF file not recognized (ftyp box)) (#9356) · Issues · GNOME / GIMP · GitLab

I support this request.

GIMP should be able to convert animated GIF and animated WebP files into AVIF animations. Presently, GIMP can convert animated files into AVIF format but they become static files - they do not animate.

Further, the AVIF animation should be able to loop. Sometimes with other conversion services we see that the animated AVIF stops animating on the last frame.

The link submitted above by @brunvonlope is a different request and not related to this thread.

“not related” is not the best term to describe what I linked. Without bare IVF support (see the link), there is no conversion possible I think

It would be good to have some non-IVF animated AVIF files to test if these are not the same.

Are any in e.g. GitHub - link-u/avif-sample-images: AVIF example images, licensed under CC-BY-SA. that, maybe the ones ending in .avifs?

How would example animated AVIF help?

The request is to convert animated images into animated AVIF. For example:

Animated GIF to Animated AVIF
Animated WebP to Animated AVIF

I don’t see how example animated AVIF files would help, but here are 3 examples:

Thanks for the samples, this will make it easier to test for anyone who starts implementing this.

The last file is an MP4, and so far nothing seems to want to open it. What applications did you try this with?

Thanks, the last file has since been replaced - it is now an animated AVIF: