Hi all,
I’ve put together a mockup for a proposal to change how help is presented to users. I tried to push for something like this many years ago, but I got caught up in the weeds of an automated implementation instead of focusing on the UX first.
Hi all,
I’ve put together a mockup for a proposal to change how help is presented to users. I tried to push for something like this many years ago, but I got caught up in the weeds of an automated implementation instead of focusing on the UX first.
We discussed something very similar a while back: In-app command search (#35) · Issues · Teams / Design / os-mockups · GitLab
I think we’re still very interested in pursuing this, IIRC it’s blocked on finding developers interested in making it happen.
I like the visual simplicity of this proposal (more than Tobias’ suggestion, for example, even if it doesn’t cover exactly the same things). But I’m not sure it will be easily done for all applications: some have a really structured help, that cannot be resumed to only the title of its pages. So more research is propably needed to check if that would work in real situations.
Both proposals look nice. I do prefer Tobias’ take on it since it seems to provide for more than just help improvements.
I wonder though… How much use either would actually see.
It seems a lot of users aren’t even aware help exists in the first place.
Yeah, that is one of the things I’m trying to address by making the help not be a blind target.
This thread will eventually auto-close and scroll off the radar, so I made a tracker issue for this in the docs team space on GitLab: Explore help menu designs (#5) · Issues · Teams / Documentation / Initiatives · GitLab
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