Project.doap file questions

I’ve read Git/FAQ - GNOME Wiki! with an example of a .doap file.
It leaves me with some questions.

  • The commit message of
    says, among other things:

    Listing a user in glib.doap is important for ensuring their access
    rights are correct in GitLab (as they are synced from the DOAP file by a
    sysadmin script).

    Does this mean, for instance, that only users listed as maintainers in gtkmm.doap
    can push to the gtkmm’s git repository? Obviously not now. Will a new restriction
    be activated the next time gtkmm.doap is changed?

  • Which are the acceptable categories? The wiki page says admin, bindings, deprecated, desktop, development, infrastructure, platform, productivity.
    says core, core-apps, apps, deprecated, infrastructure. bindings would be a
    suitable category for gtkmm. It’s a C++ language binding of GTK. Now its category
    is core. Is that okay? Where is the category used?

  • glib.doap contains

    <developer-forum rdf:resource="" />

    Where is it specified that developer-forum is a valid element in the XML namespace?
    At doap/schema/doap.rdf at master · ewilderj/doap · GitHub?
    When I study this doap.rdf file I get the impression that Discourse can be
    either a support-forum or a developer-forum or perhaps both.

No: everyone in the GNOME group can push directly to all repositories under the GNOME namespace; this is similar to how it worked back in the days of CVS, Subversion, and

The maintainer role in the DOAP file controls who gets the maintainer capabilities in the GitLab project; maintainers have access to the project settings, registry, and other functionality.

If your users are developers, then there’s really no difference.