This now crashes Gimp with a message “Stack smashing detected” which usually indicates a buffer overflow. I have not reported this as a bug becase I suspect it is not one. Something has changed in the API and I just need to know how it now needs to be coded. Help please!
This works just fine on my local build, but this error message bothered me, so I just installed the nightly flatpak and I could reproduce there.
Something did change in the API but it should not result in GIMP crashing! No plug-in code ever should crash GIMP. If this happens, there is a clear bug in GIMP, so we welcome bug reports!
After the API change which happened, existing plug-in code may be broken, sure, but that’s all.
Ok so I could reproduce (building with clang instead of gcc and with specific build flags).
I was scared that I messed up something in the new API architecture. Fortunately it was just a local bug, which is now fixed.
I also triggered a nightly flatpak build in advance (approaching RC1 release, let’s go more “proactive” on test builds ) so hopefully you should be update in a few hours with the fix and confirm it’s all good for you too!