Prevent focus stealing is a bug

Please refer to Find an App of focus stealing

Closed not by me, please think about, very important, prevention of virus SW, is not the right way.
Also there is no invalid indication, please refer to Bug #2084505 “gnome : An open application reopen leads to a mess...” : Bugs : gnome-shell package : Ubuntu

Focus stealing prevention is not a bug: it’s been a part of desktop environments for more than 20 years. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and you haven’t brought any, outside of random ramblings on two separate topics.

This is your final warning.

Set the bug Bug #2084505 “gnome : An open application reopen leads to a mess...” : Bugs : gnome-shell package : Ubuntu as invalid, if not, what you are ?

This topic will be closed after one month no reply.
I hope your promise will ne honest.

Please an 20 years old example, which app does it, which Linux data base ?

Or better, extraordinary claims has to be deleted !!!


Also search the web for "focus stealing".

Once more, which linux app does it, “focus stealing” ???
Here you will find a daily report, refer to given link above :

“focus stealing” examples of Gnome46, please refer to #3-#6

The last examples with a complete new Ubuntu 24.04.01 installation (Linux ext4 partition formatted).

To prevent further “focus stealing” examples, I did install KDE, but not with complete excepted results.
After all, I did remove KDE, but did not remove all installed parts.

But what a pleasing result, until now no further issue with “focus stealing” by Gnome46, as described in #3-#6, see above.

From my side of view, it gives no sense if someone does not have this issue on its system, to give a reply,
A reply with a solution, to switch off the “focus stealing prevention” feature, all ways appreciated.


It’s not “an app”: it’s part of the window manager.

Focus stealing prevention has been part of the GNOME window management policies since 2004.

Since I did install/remove KDE I have no problem anymore, see above. But I have your hint saved, thank you.

Please refer to bug_report 2084505 (link above)

Status set to “confirmed”

Gnome extension installed, leads to lost key focus by double click on a txt-file, html-file in nautilus.
Extension disabled, had to uninstall/install KDE again, to get key-focus as normal (key-focus all ways of the pop up app) in Gnome 46.

I have to wait … (post must have min. 20 characters)

You did remove the explanation, but once more, repeat reading leads sometimes to understanding :
The “stealing focus prevention” of Gnome does steal me the focus to my App currently in focus, e.g.: 5 min. ago, opened a html-file via double-click, firefox will be popup in foreground.
With ctrl-f get no “search-Box”, instead the address box of nautilius, the file-manager not visible, will be edit by me, with the given search string.
Which application did steal the focus of firefox, it is the “Gnome 46 stealing focus prevention” mechanism, it does not recognize the focus of the user, it is all ways the visible app.

“Unfortunately the current situation with smart as the default means that we’re not getting most of the benefits of focus stealing prevention. Apps are able to spawn a new window over your current one and grab keyboard focus, because the smart mode just gives the new window focus, …”(refer to given link, explanation of Gnome SW developer)

“Apps are able to spawn a new window over your current one and grab keyboard focus, …”

Yes, of course, a double click on a html-file spawn a new window, over nautilus, my current one, and grab keyboard focus, yes, that is my intention if I open a html-file via doubleclick and search via ctrl-f.

But this will be prevented by the “Gnome 46, stealing focus prevention”, it does mean Gnome prevent the user for normal work, what a mess !

Every one can read it : https_bugs_launchpad_net_ubuntu_+source_gnome-shell_+bug/2084505

I did not remove anything from this topic. You need to stop, because now it’s bordering to “conspiracy theories of lizard people controlling the world’s governments” territory.

You have made—messily, incoherently—your point: you have a bug on Ubuntu. The issue is already being tracked. Stop bothering people on this forum with your weird, unintelligible gibberish.