Porting a CAD application written in Gambas3

Hello, first post here. Looking for held on porting a working (but unfinished) CAD application written in Gambas to GTK4/Vala.
Motivation is getting it to run in other OS.
It’s FOSS btw.

Don’t really know if this is the best place to post the add.

I don’t know the Gambas programming language and how you do GUI’s with it, but I would guess you probably need to rewrite the whole application. It might be simpler if the app is already written in an object oriented way. Otherwise I would start with beginner documentation for example here: Beginners Tutorials - GNOME Developer Documentation. You can also join the chat rooms for GTK and Vala and ask more specific questions there. Also the I wouldn’t recommend only “porting” the UI to gtk4, but redo it with the new widgets available, also from libadwaita, thats why I think a rewrite would be better.

I read everything including the Vala book. Gambas is OOP just like Vala or C#, and this code has a lot of inheritance wich is very straightforward to covert. The hard work will be done by a small program to covert Gambas to Vala (+20k lines last time I’ve checked). The UI is another thing as all is different I believe. There I’d use some help. It is a big piece of software I wrote along my friend MBelmonte in the pandemic.

Code is at my GitHub: tercoide and named GambasCAD

Thank you for checking back.

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