Please create an "accessibility" tag

There does not appear to be an “accessibility” tag available for Topics on this Discourse. Could you please it? Thanks!

There is an “a11y” flag that you can use.

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a11y is a specific technological initiative almost exclusively focusing on screenreader support for graphical user interfaces (in particular, web pages, though GTK follows the same implementation guidelines).

“a11y” doesn’t really cover accessibility issues beyond standards-based screenreader support, and while the term is catchy and somewhat memorable, it’s significantly less obvious (any memorable) to newcomers than the simple English noun “accessibility”.

I don’t know how tags work in Discourse, but it might be possible to have “synonym” tags to support both “a11y” and “accessibility”, and, barring that, if you don’t want too much redundancy, you could rename the existing tag as something incorporating both words. (The reason I opened this topic was that I used the tag-search field to query the word “accessibility”, and nothing came up.)

I added an “accessibility” tag, and make it a synonymous of “a11y”. Every time you use the “accessibility” tag, Discourse will automatically turn it into “a11y”.

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That’s not what a11y is about. a11y is just a shorter equivalent to Accessibility, the same way l10n is to localization and i18n to internationalization. It’s not a word reserved to this particular project/initiative you linked. Anyway there’s the accessibility tag now so no big deal, just so to make it clear what it’s about :slight_smile:

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That’s not what a11y is about. a11y is just a shorter equivalent to Accessibility, the same way l10n is to localization and i18n to internationalization.

Regardless, those shorthand terms can be less immediately memorable (and, ironically, less accessible, though still more searchable) than their common English synonyms, which is why it’s good to have those as linked tags.

Also, I think I was mixing up a11y with ATK, which, along with rest of the old accessibility guide is relatively narrowly focused on compatibility with screenreaders and hardware aids.

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