Photo fix scripts/macros

I am very new to Gimp which I just installed. For many years I used (the now obsolete) Jasc PaintShop Pro version 9 in W11 (which existed before it was acquired and modified by Corel).

PSP9 still works great but I am eager to learn Gimp in Ubuntu.

One thing I found very useful in PSP9, was a script called “OneStepPhotoFix_interactive”.
It automated the process of improving a digital photo by going sequentially through the steps of:
–color balance adjustment
–Contrast Enhancement adjustment
–Saturation enhancement adjustment
–Edge Preserving smooth

At each of this steps it permitted several options available in that tool.

Using this tool did not mean one could not also use other tools like noise removal, using layers, histogram adjustments, etc. but it did speed up making initial adjustments.

Does Gimp have a similar script or macro?

Thank you.

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Hi, I have been using GIMP for a couple of years (since I left windows for Ubuntu) having previously used PSP8 on Win7. In fact, I recently installed PSP8 on Win 7 (running in VM Box from Ubuntu) - simply because GIMP seems to lack two features which I still adore on PSP8.

One of these features is the ‘OneStepPhotoFix’ referred to by the OP, the other is the ‘Browse’ function which is unmatched by any other (Ubuntu) program I have found.* (Digikam does pretty well, but not a patch on PSP8)

So yes, GIMP developers, please give these functions to us mere (but always grateful) users!


Chris D

*As an aside, I did upgrade my PSP8 to a later version (X10?) but the browser function was so naff and the interface so cumbersome, that I reverted to 8 :slight_smile:

PSP’s “OneStepPhotoFix_interactive” script is just a python script. I believe Gimp an use python scripts but I do not know how.
If Gimp could record a macro, I could record a macro/script as I repeat similar steps in Gimp. But I do not know if Gimp can record or use macros or scripts to automate its actions.
Do you?
I agree, browse is another excellent feature that could be easily implemented in Gimp.

I hope this helps.

PSP’s “OneStepPhotoFix_interactive” automates the following adjustments in sequence

  1. Get the image information for the current image
    Uses PSP’s Environment with Environment, ‘EnableOptimizedScriptUndo’
  2. make the image true color if it is not already there
    Uses JascUtils.PromoteToTrueColor( Environment, App.TargetDocument )
  3. Color balance the image if it is not greyscale
    if not GreyScale:
    Uses Environment, ‘AutoColorBalance’, with ‘RemoveColorCast’ ‘Strength’: 30, ‘Temperature’: 6000,
  4. Enhance the contrast
  5. Clarify the image
    Uses PSP’s Clarify
  6. Enhance the saturation if the image is not greyscale
  7. Smooth the image while preserving edge information
  8. Sharpen the image
    Uses PSP’s sharpen

I tried to find equivalent functions in Gimp. Not yet sure I got them right:
Image → Color Management → Assign Color Profile
Color temperature
color balance
Can’t find equivalent to PSP’s “clarify”
Hue saturation
Can’t find equivalent to PSP’s “smooth edge preserve”

Maybe a Gimp expert could help?

It would be really cool if PSP’s "OneStepPhotoFix_interactive could be replicated in Gimp. I’m trying but I am a total newbie in Gimp.

I guess nobody expert at Gimp is willing to help us.
I hope someone does.

Not sure that I am a Gimp “expert”. I use Gimp for some rather specific jobs. I think that your list of equivalents is more or less correct. You would presumably start by using Image>Mode to check if the image is greyscale or RGB.
Clarify sounds as though it is a Local Contrast Enhancement tool and the normal tool in Gimp for this is the Unsharp Mask (Filters>Enhance>Sharpen(unsharp mask)) used with a very high Radius setting, for example 200. I think that there is also a Local Contrast Enhancement plugin. You have to be careful with this or you can get a very false looking result.
Smooth edge preserve could be one of several of Gimp’s blur filters - Mean Curvature blur, Median blur or Selective Gaussian Blur. Which is the best option depends on the problem with the image.
Do you really apply all of these to each photograph? I find that my phone and cameras these days produce an excellent result in most cases. If I need post editing it is usually obvious what is needed. I would use rotation to correct the horizon and perspective correction more than any of the above.

Thank you very much. That is very helpful.

No, I don’t use all of these adjustments. My photos come from my phone camera and are not always ideal. These adjustments appear one at a time. Each contain parameters and show the effect of any change on the image. Each change can be accepted (based on the appearance) or skipped as I go to the next tool.

The script just provides an amateur like me possible corrections, in the proper sequence all reversible. Most of the time the photo is greatly enhanced. I can flip between the original image and the modified image for a final decision at the end.
It is a very useful tool.

Each time you do a global color adjustment to an image, you lose color information: you start with 256 values in the color channel, and you mathematically end up with fewer values than you started with. So your script accumulates four color losses (because I don’t think that it eventually coalesces all these changes into one single operation).

PSP’s “smooth edge preserve” could be Gimp’s “Selective Gaussian Blur”

Thank you.
I undeestand.