Orphaning Office Runner

The maintenance of Office Runner is up for grabs.

The new maintainer of this “work-around” would need to take care of the GNOME upstream code as well as the Flathub build.

The program is stable, but needs porting to newer version of GTK.

If a new maintainer doesn’t volunteer themselves, I’m afraid I will have to archive the software.

Hello again,

Giving it one more week before I request office-runner to be archived.


I’m happy to pick office-runner up.

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Done in doap: Add Emmanuele Bassi as a maintainer (!5) · Merge requests · GNOME / office-runner · GitLab

I realised that, in addition to using GTK3, something I remembered, office-runner also uses autotools. You’re bound to have fun dealing with that :wink:


Yeah, I noticed that too. :laughing:

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